Retro Review - In The Hunt

What I had said was going to happen happened, and it is that in my previous Retro Review I had said that this week I would try to upload a post every day, but I also mentioned that I was not very sure that I would make it... and so it was, I could not publish the reviews that corresponded to those days on Tuesday or Wednesday, since besides having to solve issues about my new glasses, which the glass on the right side put a wrong formula, the truth is that it also made me very lazy, even though I had much of the review written. But today I finished it and here it is. Today's review is about a game that laid the foundations of one of my favorite games with respect to the graphic style, well, better said, it is my favorite retro game with respect to its graphic style, and of course I'm talking about Metal Slug, that's why today I will talk about the game by which the bases were formed to develop a title whose graphic aspect can only be defined as: magnificent.

Today's Retro Review is about: In The Hunt.

Like any good arcade game, this is a title with a fairly simple argument, but at least in In The Hunt is quite particular and interesting how the events that give rise to this game, although it remains a very simple argument. In In The Hunt, as is usual in thousands of games, we must save the world, because there is a secret group, whose name is: D.A.S (Dark Anarchy Society,) which have managed to melt the South Pole, so that have endangered much of humanity, due to the huge floods around the world. There is much chaos and destruction due to the floods and that is why the military forces of the world have lost strength, and it is D.A.S. that now dominates everything. However, in spite of this great destruction, there is still a group of survivors who have managed to adapt to this chaos by creating buildings above the water. But besides this, for a long time they have been working to confront this group of evil villains and have managed to build a powerful submarine, which they are going to use to defeat the whole enemy army, this submarine was named "Granvia" and it will be the one that will bring again peace and hope to the world and its habitants.

There is only one word with which you can define the graphic aspect of In The Hunt and that is: Magnificent, or maybe it is: Spectacular, or maybe: Beautiful, or well, maybe there is more than one word with which you can define this aspect and it is because in general terms, graphically this video game is a wonder. And it is logical that this videogame has such a graphic quality, because the same group that was in charge of developing Metal Slug is the same group that developed this videogame, although In The Hunt was created before Metal Slug, so we can say that In The Hunt served as a base to create what is one of the best retro games regarding its graphic aspect, that is, Metal Slug, in fact, many of the designs used in In The Hunt were later used in Metal Slug, always maintaining that characteristic style, a style that we barely see on screen and we immediately associate it with this saga.

The design of the ships, submarines and any other machine we see in the game, have very unique and distinctive designs, are very original and have a certain style to steampunk that makes them stand out much on screen. They used a rather striking color palette when needed and another of dark colors that even make the designs of the war machines and armaments stand out and shine better. The level of detail in this game is really crazy, in almost every direction on the screen we can visualize from the smallest detail to the largest and most obvious, but even so you do not see an exaggerated saturation on the screen, in fact, it only makes each stage of this excellent video game, a visual wonder. In The Hunt, really a jewel of the video games in terms of its graphic quality, a beauty in all rule and one of the few games that today, after many years, maintains its charisma and spectacularity.

In the aspect of sound is quite remarkable, both the melodies as well as the sound effects, which together with the graphic aspect is totally an audiovisual wonder, which has a great merit, because despite all the years that have passed since the launch of this video game, it is as if time has not affected it, because it remains spectacular. The music is quite good, one of those that you could listen to individually and you can enjoy it very easily. Music that evokes action, tension and danger, just 3 of the things that we will live the most while we are playing In The Hunt. Once again, also when listening to the soundtrack of this video game, it will remind us of Metal Slug, even though Metal Slug was published some time after the publication of In The Hunt, however, this is because not many people know In The Hunt and that is why it is associated in this way.

Video Author

In The Hunt Ost Playlist

You could say that In The Hunt is a Metal Slug but with submarines for its frantic chaos between shots and explosions, however in terms of mechanics and gameplay is a little "simpler". In The Hunt is a game of the shoot'em ups genre in which we will control a submarine and we must defeat every enemy that is inside the sea. Like Metal Slug we will be in constant enemy attack, so frenetic and action will be part of our mission to save the world during the whole game.

In The Hunt the amount of enemies that will be on screen will be many, having to dodge and attack our enemies because the slightest failure would mean the destruction of our war machine. Granvia (which is our submarine) has two types of attack, one which is classic in which the attacks go horizontally, that is to say, the attacks go of "front" and another attack that goes upwards, since in the surface of the sea there will be ships or stations of which also we will receive attacks. In comparison with other games of the same genre, In The Hunt presents a slightly slower gameplay, since, as it is logical, when we are underwater and due to the weight of the submarine, it is normal that the movements are reduced, but that is not an impediment to have fun playing this excellent game, since I can easily say that as far as shoot'em ups are concerned, In The Hunt is one of the best of its genre. As in Metal Slug in In The Hunt we will be able to use power-ups that will allow us to have attacks with greater destructive capacity.

In The Hunt is undoubtedly a visual wonder, with excellent and beautiful graphics, in addition to presenting a fairly good and addictive gameplay, served as the basis for the formation of one of the best games of its kind, no doubt, a game that will last for many years to come.

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