Fiery plays Mass Effect 2 part 17: Erasing the past.

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In this game our main mission is to stop the Collectors( aliens who are kidnapping entire human colonies.) Collectors are working for a sentient race of machines the Reapers( Reapers destroy all advanced civilizations every fifty thousand years.) In the beginning of this game Collectors attacked and destroyed our ship Normandy. Our main character Shepard died in the process of the attack. Secret pro human organisation Cerberus and their leader Illusive Man somehow brought us back to life and build as a second Normandy. Now we are gathering the team of most badass scientists, soldiers and mercenaries to save galaxy and humanity from Collectors and the Reapers.

In the last part we helped our crewmate Zaeed to get vengeance on his former partner Vido who betrayed him and took control of the Blue Suns(mercenaries who were founded by Zaeed and Vido).

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We began this part by discussing with Mordin the Protheans fate of becoming Collectors. Mordin said that Collectors has no art or culture. We were surprised that he cared about such things. Mordin explained the importance of art and also revealed that he used to sing. We asked him to sing for us so he did a performance.

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After that Garrus and Tali asked for our help. Garrus found a clue about turian Sidonis who betrayed Garrus team and as a result they died. Apparently someone on Citadel known as Fade helped Sidonis disappear. Tali was accused of treason and if she will be found guilty she will be exiled.

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Grunt was happy that he has many enemies and was having fantasies about killing them.

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After that we decided to do Jack's loyalty mission. She wanted to travel to planet Pragia and destroy Cerberus facility where she was raised, drugged and abused. Once we arrived to Pragia Jack had second thoughts about this mission but we convinced her to accomplish what we started.

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Inside the facility some things were just like Jack remembered(like the arena where she was forced to fight other children.) But something was different as well. We found evidence that suggested a few things: We found evidence that suggested a few things: that Cerberus facility had gone rogue and was working behind the Illusive Man back. Also scientists there wanted to keep Jack alive at all cost and experimented on other kids to see what tests would be too dangerous on her. Another surprise- the place was supposed to be abandoned but someone had recently killed a varren.

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Jack wanted to place a bomb in her former cell. On our way there we run into mercenaries led by a krogan named Kureck. He reported our coming to someone called Aresh. After we beat the mercenaries we got into Jack's cell. There we found Aresh.

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Just like Jack he turned out to be another survivor from this facility. But unlike Jack Aresh wanted to restore the facility and torture other kids in order to unlock their biotic potential. We could not allow this madman run any more sick experiments so we told Jack to shoot him. After that we planted a bomb and blew that disgusting place to bits.

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Once we returned to the Normandy we spoke with Jack again. She seemed to be happy that she erased her past but not sure what to do next.

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