Xbox Series X VS Playstation 5: Let The Next-Gen Console Wars Begin


In about nine months, the next generation of home consoles will be here. Both are scheduled to be released late this year. While the Xbox Series X has officially been announced, we have yet to hear an official announcement from Sony regarding their upcoming next-gen console. The only thing that we know for sure is that it will be called the Playstation 5.

I haven't owned a home console in years. I did own a PS4 for around a month before I took it back and got my money back. There was just nothing that it could really do for me that my gaming PC at the time couldn't other than offering some exclusives. Exclusives are nice, but I'm not a hardcore gamer like I used to be so it meant little to me.

This article isn't going to be a breakdown of all the confirmed info or even rumors for these upcoming consoles because honestly, there's way too much info to dig through. I'm not the best source for it. I will touch on a few things though.

From what I've heard, both systems will be using SSDs which is a huge step up for them from the HDDs that they've been using for years now. The Xbox Series X straight up looks like a gaming PC, but that's not a bad thing because at least it seems like it'll have great cooling... hopefully. According to what we know about Xbox Series X now and what's been leaked about PS5, it seems like Xbox will have an advantage over PS5 when it comes to raw performance. Furthermore, Xbox Series X will be fully backwards compatible with Xbox One, Xbox 360, and original Xbox titles. That's incredible to be honest.

In this most recent console generation, Playstation 4 has outsold Xbox One by a landslide. It's so one-sided that Playstation 4 has sold more than double what Xbox One has! A lot of this started by Xbox's disaster of an E3 presentation years ago where they had mentioned all of the new DRM that it was going to have whereas Playstation came out swinging by saying that they wouldn't impose any new restrictions with how PS4 used games would work. Also, Xbox spent nearly their entire first presentation about Xbox One by talking about all the movies and TV shows that you could watch on it without ever mentioning gaming. These are some of the bigger reasons why, especially early on, Playstation sales beat the daylights out of Xbox One's sales. It was so bad that just to save face, Xbox One had a day one patch that patched out all of their DRM restrictions. It was really really bad for them.

I'm a Playstation fanboy. I always have been. According to what I've heard so far, it seems like Xbox Series X is out for blood this time around. We don't know much about either console at the moment and we know practically nothing about the upcoming Playstation 5, but from what I've heard so far... it seems like Xbox Series X may just come out on top this time around. Maybe the Playstation 5 will be better. Hopefully for Sony's fans, it will be.

When there's competition like this though, everyone wins.

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