Time Treker | A New Timeline

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It was time to start a new timeline and this time hoping to defeat the end boss for a win. There were also a few goals I wanted to go after to unlock some further tech points. First, however i had to spend the rewards from my last run.

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I’ve played the first three characters a couple of times each now. So far, I rather like Rebel Meve. She has this insane ability attack that shoots out photon blades around her. It’s an amazing ability I've used to quickly take out massive swarms to large chunks of health out of bosses.

She also starts with a photon blade that I'll be adding some modifications to from increasing the damage to how many targets it hits. It’s another great skill for getting some huge damage down on a select target.

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Since I've played in a few timelines now I've accumulated quite a few tech points to spend on the tech tree. I’ve spread the points out into quite a few different areas. From just getting a couple of cheap points into the first tier of things to fully maxing things out.

I ended up putting tech points into starting with two attribute points in each attribute. I’ve found this helps make getting set up quite easy. From having enough defense I'm taking little to no damage to having a little extra health regen.

I’ve also maxed out the discount tech for buying further attribute points during my play. In a few plays now I've not always had them maxed out when I got near the end. This I felt would help ensure I not only unlock them quicker but I won’t have to purposely fail any of the points towards the end of the run to farm up some last-minute crystals.

Another big one I felt increasing my ban list for items and mods. Along with getting two free rerolls for each point I enter into. While each game I have to rebuild the ban list of items each item. Between getting some free rerolls for different loot and taking items I don’t want out of the loot pool. This helps to get the weapons and mods I want faster.

I also put some tech into things like getting more crystals to experience. This should help speed up unlocks and acquire items I want quicker.

As with each run, I've done. I don’t claim any tech points during my run which you can do. Instead, I find it fun to do so afterward so I can see the impact on what I end up picking up in the tech tree.

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The first point in the timeline I entered into would end up being quite easy. Between all my upgrades and tech points. Along with having played quite a few hours now. I had a great expectation of how this would end up going.

My biggest focus was looking to upgrade my photon blade to level 3. Along with finding some mods for it and a secondary weapon. While I have a few different kinds of weapons I would not mind for my next weapon. This early on I'll take more or less anything I can get my hands on.

I’m certain I could almost AFK in this first point and not fail the part of needing to keep my health above 50%. Thankfully at this time, you can dip below that. You just can’t be below that amount when the time runs out and you get teleported out.

There is also the other objective of using a support pod. Since that is the only objective, I have much concern about I went out looking for one once I landed. I also have a few tech points spent on them so the buff drops end up being quite nice when I can find support pods.

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My first level-up reward was not that great. I ended up burning the free refreshes I got for each timeline point. I also ended up adding a couple of items to my ban item list since I got a few of those.

The first few levels ended up going by quite quickly. It did not take long before I had a couple of photon blades in my inventory to upgrade the current one, I had.

I also lucked out by level 10 and got the Life Systems enchantment. The first level of it gave me +20 for health and +1 for health regeneration. This early on that is quite powerful.

By level 20 it seemed like investing some tech points into luck ended up paying off quite well if luck has anything to do with the rewards you get. I found getting my first relic that granted any guns I held which were my first two weapons a 30% attack increase.

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With the first timeline point done, I went to check out what I could get out of the domain construction that spawned. One of these shows up every time I advance on the map. Since this one had a chance at getting a mist exploration, a relic, and some other stuff I would not mind. I decided to not reroll it and went for it.

I did not get the relic or mist exploration. Instead, I just unlocked an encounter and some crystal for my effort. I decided to leave that timeline point alone for the moment and start the next main one.

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For the next objective, I needed to kill 200 creatures and use a support pod. I felt once I used a support pod if I got decent buffs to drop those 200 kills would rack up quite quickly. Turns out I'd almost be done with my kill count before finding a support pod that had spawned in.

I also ended up looking at a few guns and mod upgrades from this one. I now had lasers to rocket launchers to help aid me on the battlefield as I went quickly around wiping out anything that moved.

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The next domain construction that spawned I ended up rerolling. I then lucked out and landed a mist exploration. Getting one of these early on can be quite a huge progression deal. Instead, this one would be 18 armories that spawned in that I had four minutes to break open.

With each one I'd break open I'd get a single gun or mod drop. This would quickly help level up some guns and fill some empty mod spots I had. To say I was excited to get this only a couple of timeline points in is an understatement.

While it would have been smart to stop every so often and upgrade weapons and mods from the drops, I was getting. I find it fun to just save any level-up rewards to drops I'd get out of the armories. Then do a mass upgrade and swap out mods to ones I prefer more before I enter into another timeline point.

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Once that domain construction was done, I headed back to the one skipped and ran since I knew getting 200 kills was not going to be hard. I first went off in search of a light tower as it was another objective and once it was up would start causing damage over time to any creatures standing in its light helping me out even further.

By this point, I was quite rocking in levels. My build was starting to come along decently. The next timeline point required killing 12 advanced creatures. In my past runs that might have been a bit of an issue. This time around they dropped without much thought. This was in large part due to the ability the character I was playing had.

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That ability came even more in handy in the point timeline point. Where I needed to kill 120 flying creatures. These things spawn in large packs and come running across the screen. Unlike other creatures that will stay and attack, they will fly right past. As soon as they got close enough, I'd fire off my ability and take out the entire group.

I ended up getting another relic drop. This time it was one I've never paid much attention to. It was ignition booster that caused fire as I walked around. While I'd had hoped for others, I decided to take it as relics are quite hard to come by. I also ended up adding fire to one of my weapons to add even more fire around me.

Final Thoughts

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After some more timeline points, it was time for the last one in the region. A flat-out boss fight. I ended up getting the berserker. In the past, he had given me trouble as he has rather fast charge attacks that he will do a couple of times in a row before going on cool down.

This time around after I took a hit or two, I ran right up to him and just started running laps around him while spamming my ability anytime it was up. Chunks of health went flying off him every time I had enough energy to trigger my ability again.

If that had not worked, I would have run off and found something like a light tower to stand next to. The berserker would just keep spamming his charge right into the light tower leaving me safe to damage it. While I've used that trick in the past this time around it was not needed.

With it defeated it was time to move on to the next region. One that would be a bit more challenging. I had quite a few weapon slots unlocked and was more than prepared for what I'd be facing next.


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Time Treker.

Disclosure: The game was in early access at the time of writing this.

Disclosure. A review copy of the game was received for free.

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