The downside of a good game / Memories

When that game is so good, it makes you feel melancholy when it ends.

Who has never felt that feeling of satisfaction and sadness after finishing a great movie?

At the same time that we are ecstatic to remember with joy what we witnessed on the big screen, after the euphoria when we left the cinema, the regret that such an experience could have lasted a little longer is inevitable. I would also say that this happens with good food. At first, we were dazzled by that plate that smelled wonderfully good, but the face on the face is different when we look at it again, just empty.

But does this feeling also occur with video games? Are we happy and then dissatisfied after a game ends? I'll stay. Especially when you feel like the game is coming to an end, the anxiety increases even more because you want to finish the game, but you don't want the fun to end. Unlike the examples mentioned, in the video game we can extend our pleasure in the game a little more, or better wrap the great result. However, eventually we will have to end this and we will be unable to do anything else to prevent it.

And in this mix of emotions and feelings, I present to you some games that made me sad at the end of the fun. Did it have to end so fast?


After the great Bastion, Supergiant Games managed to stand out with this one that for me is already a video game classic.

In a mysterious way, the protagonist Red loses her voice and can no longer sing. She and the Transistor sword are determined to find answers to what happened.

The mechanics of the title are very interesting. In the middle of the battle, you can choose whether to attack the enemies like in an action game or to plot the action of the character in turns, determined what he will do. However, each type of game has its pros and cons and it is up to us, the players, to know how to use each tactic at the right time. And that is precisely why the game is so fun. As for the script, it is revealed by unlocking new abilities for Transistor. And as you find out what happened, the urge to close diminishes because you don't want to say goodbye to Red. At least I didn't. And in the end, we literally said goodbye, as she commits suicide. :(

Another reason to prolong the game and not face this beautiful ending (he did it for love), but very sad. The scoring of this game is fundamental to the narrative, as well as being simply extraordinary.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


For many critics, Citizen Kane considered games. I agree.

When we play the adult Link (I consider this to be the second act of the game, as in a feature film) we need to free all the Sages and as the number decreases, the fun is being absorbed by the concern that the exploration of Hyrule is about to end.

There is no way. As long as we drag the conclusion of this incredible journey by walking with Epona in this wonderful realm, we must end evil once and for all. Could it be a 14 or 16 wise to save no?

Super mario bros 3


Considered one of the games of all time, this classic released for Nintendinho was a resounding success. Even more so with the movie The Video Game Genius, where part of the plot revolves around a video game championship. Guess what the game is for one of the tournaments? Is this one of the E-Sports preludes? Maybe hehehe ...

The movie is normal, it is worth nostalgia for those over 25 years old. However, thanks to him, the game sold a LOT!

I first played it in 1995, but I only finished it in the early 2000s. It has an amazing level design and a very nice soundtrack that goes perfectly with the game. I would even say that the type of music serves to calm the nerves. Whoever has played knows the suffocation of some phases towards the end (the aircraft they say). I confess that I couldn't wait to finish, never to see the face of this game again, but after the completion I felt like I wanted more. After that I closed the game other times and like a good wine the game gets better and better over the years.


This great indie produced by Playdead is dark, strange and incredibly stimulating. As in Limbo (which was also produced by the same studio), the game has no dialogue and it is up to the players to deduce the plot. I bought it the day after the PS4 launch (it was released earlier on XBox One) around 10pm or so.

As if by magic it was already 00:15 and I was going to work the other day. However, he didn't want to stop playing. I only stopped for the hour.

As this type of game is not very long, until it was not a bad idea to have stopped betting, otherwise it would end immediately.

When I came back to play at the weekend, anxiety washed over me because I knew the end was near. And when I finished, for a moment I was glad for the end, as well as for that "crowd" of people who stayed to escape the laboratory by stopping in front of the lake.

When I turned off the console, the saying "everything good is ephemeral" immediately fell on my shoulders, making me look at the ground for a moment.

Fire Emblem: Awakening

I love tactical RPGs like Ogre Battle, Final Fantasy Tactics, Vandal Hearts, among others. Although he knew the fame of Fire Emblem, he had never played any games in the series. Awakening was my first contact with the franchise and the experience could not have been better. Even more so today that this type of RPG is a bit scarce compared to the 90s. I liked it so much that I ended up buying all the games in the series for the Nintendo 3DS.

In combat, you can gain support by standing next to a member of your team, allowing double strikes against the enemy. You can also team up with a character of your choice and move and do all other actions in pairs. As the supportive relationship evolves, reaching the maximum level (S), if you are a man and a woman together, you can have children! And these children will be able to be part of your team, since the plot of the game involves time travel. Hence the explanation of the children fighting alongside their parents.

One of the characteristics of the series is the permanent death of the member. If this happens, he will die forever, with no possibility of returning to the next stage of the journey. I was all happy playing in the classic mode (permanent death mode) doing well until just over the middle of the game when my magician Miriel dies, leaving her husband Lon'qu a widower ... Who said I managed to play later?

I deleted my save and started again, but this time in casual mode, where death only happens in battle and in the next phase they come back, like in most tactical RPGs.

It could have rebooted in classic mode, but I didn't want to witness the loss of a team member again. The charisma of the characters and their motivations (not all, but most of them) are one of the highlights of the fun, and you will not want to see the end of this fast, neither with death nor with the conclusion of the game.

So this self-sabotage served to prolong my enjoyment in Ylisse's kingdom between coming and going home from work and vice versa on public transportation.

I have other examples of sadness after completing a game, but I think you have it too, right? So what old games gave you a lot of fun, and left you with the feeling of wanting more once finished?

We will continue this conversation in the comments.

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