What was the first video game created in the world? Let's open a debate (Pong or Bertie the Brain).

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Source: 1, 2.

Hello to all curious gamers and researchers, today we will be dealing with a historical and fun topic at the same time, because as you can imagine I am a lover of video games, hence my username "dnagameroficial", the thing is that I woke up. Today thinking how were the first video games or consoles, so thousands of questions invaded me and without hesitation I decided to investigate and bring you my critical point of view and I would like very much that you also think about it...

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Now we have to go to the past to be more exact to the year 1972, when the video game Pong was created, which as its name says, was a simple ping-pong game compared to the current ones, but for its time it was fun. And a breakthrough in the industry. Just appreciate in the following image the size of the machines or "consoles" that were used to play it and the screen that emitted the visibility of the game itself was like a television.

Something interesting that I should not overlook is that this game called "Pong" could be considered that it was created for some institutions for students to have fun, rather it was taken as a hobby, so in short these were not intended to be commercial. Games for now what can be said is that it is considered the first created, although others deny it outright, this brings me to the second point of this topic.



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On the other hand, we have the little known, but interesting theory that the first is "Bertie the Brain" this had a peculiar shape with about four meters high, this machine offered a game mode to face a duel between the player and the computer, its creator was the inventor Josef Kates. This invention was exhibited in 1950.

The only difference is that this inventor put it for days in a national exhibition in Canada for the public to challenge the artificial intelligence of this machine, also had options to change the difficulty of the game, this was quite a spectacle for the time. The game is also known by other names: "three in a row" or as they would say in my country Venezuela "the old" one, this typical game has been played for years with paper and pencil, but now this inventor had taken it further.



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Undoubtedly we can see the big differences between the distant dates that these were created and that in this case the Pong was more known by students in institutions and also this could be played with two people, unlike Bertie the Brain that is a duel between human and machine and also this had more a focus on strategy and decision making.

The fact is that to this day some people debate arduously about which one gets the trophy for being the first, but in reality we do not know exactly which of all could be, because the story is somewhat complex and full of contradictions, probably we can only say that the answers may vary depending on your tastes and criteria.

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Now I would like to see what you think about it, what do you think was the first video game, you can also leave me another video game that you think was the first to be created in order to create an interesting debate, so I thank you for reading and leaving opinions.

If you want to know more about the subject of the first video games in history you can do it with the following links: 1, 2.

The post was translated with the translator: DeepL Translate


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