Best video games of all time



My favorite games


I have been playing video games since the early 80s. Ya, I am a nerd, but video games have always been there for me throughout my life. I moved around a lot as a child, and never spent more than 4 years living anywhere. One thing that I had in common with a lot of people everywhere I lived, was a love for gaming.

Now, not every game is one that stands out above all of the others and has a lasting impact on you, but every now and then, there are some games that are amazing and will always have you coming back for more.

There really isn't any order to the games that I am going to be listing here in this post. They are just games that I loved and have had an impact on me throughout my gaming experiences.



God of War


If you have never played these games, I feel sorry for you. I am a huge fan of Greek mythology and the God of War series is full of amazing Greek lore.



The first God of War came out in 2005 on the Playstation 2. You play as Kratos, who was tricked into killing his family by the God of War Ares. After Kratos kills his family, he seeks to destroy Ares and then later becomes the new God of War.



The gameplay is fast paced and brutal. Pair that with an amazing story line for each one of the God of War games and you have an unforgettable gaming experience that is hard to beat.



World of Warcraft


World of Warcraft is a game that I have spent more time playing that any other game. This game is a masterpiece. I had recently just started playing it again because @acidyo has been streaming WoW Classic and it made me miss the game.

I originally started playing World of Warcraft a very long time ago when I was still in the military. There was a guy in my shop that played it and would always talk about the game, and I thought he was the biggest nerd. I found out that you could fight other players in the game, so I told him that I was going to play it just so I could kill his character. Little did I know that when you first start playing the game, your character is just a weak ass and can't do anything. So I figured that if I was going to beat his guy, I needed to level up. And that was how I got addicted.


My Screenshot

WoW was my first introduction to the MMORPG genre. I had never played anything quite like this before. I still remember the first dungeon I did with a group of my friends. We did Ragefire Chasm together since it is the first dungeon that you can do as a Horde character and we had a blast. There was something about playing a game with your friends where everyone has separate roles to the fights and we all had to come together and coordinate our fighting so we would win. It was exhilarating.

My friends and I spent countless hours running around with our dorky cartoonish characters doing quests, dungeons and PVP together. We talked about the game at work and we essentially became what we had made fun of our coworker for.


My Screenshot

World of Warcraft has come a very long way since the first version of it. Not only in graphics, but also in gameplay. A lot of the hardcore fans of the game dislike a lot of the changes to the game and feel that they made it more casual. I think that these changes are perfect.

I had gotten too addicted to the game when I first started playing and I would miss out on so much family stuff because I had to be on the computer and raid at certain times with my guild and it always took FOREVER to get anything done because when you have 20 people together trying to do one thing, it rarely goes the way you want it to. Especially during progression raiding.


My Screenshot

There is so much to do in the game now that I get lost sometimes. One of my favorite things to do is to collect the Battle Pets and level them up. I also like that I can log in and just sign up for a group to do a dungeon or a raid and within minutes there is a group ready and we can go through the fights. I don't have to wait hours trying to get a group.

If you have never played World of Warcraft, I would suggest that you try it out. You can try it out for free, but the free game is quite limited and I would recommend getting the full thing for the whole experience. It is awesome.



Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


Now every Zelda game has been amazing, but A Link to the Past is the is the greatest one. It was a massive upgrade from the NES versions in terms of graphics and magnitude. I really think that A Link to the Past inspired many of the new RPG games that are out there.

The music and the sound effects were awesome. The sound effects really drew you into the story. When this game came out, the SNES didn't really have anything that was showing off the console's power. A Link to the Past pushed the envelope in so many ways and introduced people to the power that the SNES had compared to the NES.

This game set the stage for so many other amazing Zelda games.



GoldenEye 007


I think GoldenEye 007 for the N64 set the stage for all first person shooter games. There was nothing better than playing split screen with 3 other friends and fighting each other.



While the single player campaign was a lot of fun and the music was pretty cool, the game really shined in its multiplayer. I don't even know how many fights were started among my friends and I when we caught someone cheating by looking at another person's corner of the screen to find out where they were hiding.

So many good memories were made with this game. It looks like a pile of hot garbage now, but this was one of the funnest games back in the day. I think that everyone that had an N64 loved this game. If they didn't then I wouldn't trust anything that comes out of their mouths.



Any Super Mario Game


Well, except Super Mario Bros 2. That one was just weird and dumb. I don't know how many of you played Super Mario 2 on the NES, but that game was stupid.

One thing about the Mario games, is that they are super polished and gameplay is always amazing. I can't choose just one of the Mario games as my favorite because there are so many to choose from and each has its good points (expect Mario 2, it sucked).



They even made an awesome Super Mario Bros movie back in the day. I was a kid when the movie came out and I thought it was amazing. I guess it sucked and didn't do very good, but I thought it was really good. I don't have the courage to watch the movie now though because I am scared that it will ruin the awesomeness of it from what I remember.



One thing I never did understand about the movie was why they made the Goombas look like this. Instead of tiny Goombas that we all know and love, they made them into tall freaks with tiny dinosaur heads. Maybe that was why the movie didn't do very well, I don't know. All I know is that the Super Mario games are a ton of fun and have so much replay value to them. They were always filled with secrets and it took a lot of time to get everything in the games.

There you have it


Well that is some of my all time favorite games. I am sure that you have some favorite games that you have played. Let me know in the comments which games had an impact on you and you had a ton of fun playing.

If you want to make a post about your favorite games, use the tag #alltimefaves and make sure to post into the Hive Gaming Community. Drop a link to your #alltimefaves post here in the comments of this post for a chance to get curated.

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