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I crucified a man in Cyberpunk 2077

They know not what they do

What better way to celebrate Christmas Eve than an old fashioned crucifixion. In Night City, anything is possible. In this video I show the end of a side job that is pretty shocking.

Joshua Stephenson is a murderer turned Christian in prison. A brain dance studio found out about his redemption story and wished to profit off of it. If you have the patience to put up with Joshua’s nonsense, then you will get the chance to eventually nail him to a cross and let him die just like Jesus.

The entire situation gets recorded by the BD studio so that they can sell the experience to the world and let other people relive Joshua’s slow death. It’s pretty crazy to witness and I can only imagine how much pain Joshua felt.

I won’t tell you every detail, but if you want to see one of the darkest scenes in gaming I have ever witnessed, I have got you covered.

I highly suggest taking the time to play each and every mission like this in Cyberpunk 2077, there are just so many surprises. I love how well written this game is.

How to experience the crucifixion

This guide will walk you through the conversation choices that lead to what you say in my video. I just happened to progress this way naturally, I had no idea this is where it would lead. I must say it is a pretty deep story for such an unimportant character in Cyberpunk 2077. Joshua Stephenson, you will be remembered.

Thanks for watching my video 😎🤝
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