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Getting last place in the Breathtaking Race with my Camaro and El Camino - Hot Wheels Unleashed

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Chevys are for cry babies

This video is going to show you that Hot Wheels Unleashed isn't just for kids. The game offers a serious challenge, especially on certain tracks. I was excited to try out my new Chevys, alas things did not go well. I just happened to select a terribly difficult race called Breathtaking Race. First I tried to win with my COPO Camaro, that went awful. I tried again, with my El Camino. I thought, maybe since I know the track now I will do better. Sadly I did just as bad that time.

Prepare to watch me rage, I get last place in both of these races. The track just gave me so many opportunities to fuck up. I was all over the place and ultimately just could not beat this race to save my life. Maybe I will be able to finish in 1st (or at least better than 12th) in another video.


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