¿Si podemos ganar en dota2? [ESP/ENG]

Hola Internautas =^^= !


Fue un Dota2 muy muy random fui a jugar con mi amigo Finix y el con su Riki mid y yo pensé que era posición 5 pero era 4 y ya me bloquee mentalmente por que no sabia ni que armar y eso me distrajo mucho durante la mitad de la partida.

Tan distraído estaba que regale la primera muerte! y muy pesimamente, a lo que vi que me costaría mucho jugar, y mi Offliner para colmo tomo un héroe que no es para ese rol y encima se armaba como héroe hc... todo un caos pero venga ya! Esto ya es super normal en Dota2.

Empezamos re mal no paraba de morir de entrar mal y si bien soy apoyo lo ideal es tratar de ayudar a mis cores, lo cual era difícil con mi offliner haciendo otro rol y aparte ni lo hacia bien por que nunca se decidía por quien ir y siempre dejaba a la mitad la pelea e iba por otro objetivo.


It was a very random Dota2 I went to play with my friend Finix and he with his Riki mid and I thought it was position 5 but it was 4 and I was mentally blocked because I did not even know what to arm and that distracted me a lot during half of the game.

I was so distracted that I gave away the first death! and very badly, which I saw that it would cost me a lot to play, and my Offliner to top it off took a hero that is not for that role and on top of that was armed as a hc hero ... all chaos but come on! This is already super normal in Dota2.

We started really bad, I kept dying from entering bad and although I am support, the ideal is to try to help my cores, which was difficult with my offliner doing another role and besides, he never decided who to go for and always left in the middle of the fight and went for another target.

Captura de pantalla 2023-08-09 193917.png


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La partida se ponía difícil por que la legión enemiga ganaba daño con cada muerte que conseguía lo cual no me gusto por que me andaba siempre buscando el abusivo xD!

Con mi amigo comenzamos a buscar a los apoyo enemigos ya que eran mas fáciles de matar y podíamos dar algo de espacio a nuestro hc que era un poco.

Les rompimos 2 líneas en un instante en una pelea que ganamos de 5, lo malo que luego de eso morimos y ellos nos aplicaron la venganza, abriendo 2 líneas a nuestro trono!

Fue 2 peleas las que decidieron la partida una en top y la otra en mid la cual causo podamos abrirnos paso a su trono y conseguir destruirlo! Una locura pero creo también la comunicación con mi amigo Finix en discord ayudo mucho sin duda.

Un gusto poder compartir con todos los internautas!! Se agradece la visita =^^=

Capturas editadas y tomadas con Capcut
Grabado con pc Ryzen 5 5600
Portada editada: https://pixlr.com
Texto traducido: Deepl.com

The game was getting difficult because the enemy legion was gaining damage with every kill I got which I didn't like because I was always looking for the bully xD!

With my friend we started to look for the enemy support because they were easier to kill and we could give some space to our hc which was a little bit.

We broke 2 lines in an instant in a fight that we won by 5, the bad thing was that after that we died and they applied revenge, opening 2 lines to our throne!

It was 2 fights that decided the game, one in top and the other in mid which caused us to break through to their throne and destroy it! Crazy but I also think the communication with my friend Finix in discord helped a lot without a doubt.

Nice to be able to share with all the internet users! Thanks for visiting =^^=

Edited screenshots taken with Capcut
Recorded with pc Ryzen 5 5600
Cover edited: https://pixlr.com
Translated text: Deepl.com


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