Nexus qualifier my experience [ESP/ENG]

Greetings appreciated Hivers

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Well many things have happened within Nexus in the madness of basic ranked systems that eventually ended up breaking the game and the developers had to run to patch the damage bugs that appeared, which delayed the release of the same ranked system until today 10/04/2024 where the game has surprised us by paying for the first time quickly, as it usually takes up to 8 hours to release the daily payment.

All kinds of people were upset, some were lost because of the patches, others did not understand anything because they were not in the official discord of the game and everything came as a surprise, so those who took advantage of the information were benefited.

It has to be said that the system still needs to be polished a lot because we had very uneven pairings where I was lucky because I had to calibrate 10 games to qualify for the rewards, so I found games where my team was 5 and the other was 3, and seeing that we broke towers faster they left, leaving no enemy players in the game so the essence of playing is almost extinct for now but to meet the requirements it was perfect.

Bueno han pasado muchas cosas dentro de Nexus dentro de la locura de sistemas básicos de ranked que al final terminaron rompiendo el juego y tuvieron que los desarrolladores correr a parchar los bug de daño que asomaron, lo que retraso la salida del mismo sistema de ranked hasta el día de hoy 10/04/2024 en donde nos ha sorprendido el juego pagando por primera vez de manera rápida, ya que suelen tardar hasta 8h en soltar el pago diario.

Paso de todo gente molesta, algunos perdidos por los parches, otros sin entender nada ya que no estaban en el discord oficial del juego y les cayo todo de sorpresa, por lo cual los que aprovecharon la información fueron beneficiados.

Toca decir que el sistema aun se debe pulir mucho ya que nos toco emparejamientos bien desparejos en donde tuve suerte ya que debía calibrar 10 partidas para optar por las recompensas, así que encontré partidas donde mi equipo eran 5 y en el otro eran 3, y al ver que les rompíamos torres mas rápido se iban, dejando sin jugadores enemigos en la partida por lo cual la esencia de jugar esta casi extinta por ahora pero para cumplir los requisitos quedo perfecto.

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So after getting my easy calibration I already had silver rank which gives me the daily reward of the pool that is issued every day, earning 1120 token 3ull although many had a hard time getting their rank because almost most were on the opposite side where they were the 1 vs 5 xD.

And well the payment has been high I imagine because many were in bronze rank because of this imbalance and because they did not advance to calibrate all the games and who knows many more things, so these first days sure the payment is much higher than the future days that are coming or so I think.

Es así que luego de conseguir fácil mi calibración ya tenia rango silver el cual me da la recompensa diaria de la pool que se emite cada día, ganando 1120 token 3ull aunque a muchos les costo mucho conseguir su rango ya que casi la mayoría estaba del lado contrario donde eran ellos el 1 vs 5 xD.

Y bueno el pago a sido alto imagino por que muchos quedaron en rango bronce por este desbalance y por que no avanzaron a calibrar todas las partidas y quien sabe muchas mas cosas, por lo tanto estos primeros días seguro el pago es mucho mayor que los días futuros que están por llegar o eso pienso.

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As 5 accounts are allowed per person then if this continues like this it is 15$ for playing Nexus being the silver rank and if they are of higher rank obviously they will have better rewards.

Although everything is very green and we have no idea what will happen or what new bugs exist, for now will be the way to generate within Nexus through the ranked games, and no doubt there are many more things on the way as we are just in the beta stage of the project.

It is well known that many times the decisions of the developers are the cause of death of the games, for now it seems that it does not affect the ecosystem as it even raised its token a little.

Como se permite 5 cuentas por persona entonces si esto sigue así son 15$ por jugar Nexus siendo el rango silver y si son de mayor rango obvio van a tener mejores recompensas.

Aunque todo esta muy verde y no tenemos idea que pasara ni que bug nuevos existen, por ahora será el modo de generar dentro de Nexus mediante las partidas ranked, y sin duda están muchas mas cosas en camino ya que recién estamos en la etapa beta del proyecto.

Se sabe muy bien que muchas ocasiones las decisiones de los desarrolladores son la causa de la muerte de los juegos, por ahora parece que no afecta al ecosistema ya que incluso subió un poco su token.




** Fotos tomadas desde mi pc Ryzen 5 5600 g

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