Anyone playing Hearthstone Battlegrounds?

Anyone playing Hearthstone Battlegrounds?

I recently got introduced to it by a friend of mine. But it came out in November 2019 x)
Fuck haha.

Since I have really never played Hearthstone I have no idea what any of the cards does and I have to learn all of them while they are putting out new cards now and then, so thats fun.

What I like about it is that its somewhat automated, you pick your cards and such, but they attack themselves, you kinda just "manage" the upgrades :D

I am also most 2k in rating, but I have no idea if thats good or bad. I tend to lose alot, so I reckon its bad haha :D

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Last game. My army vs his army, I lost.

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I kinda lost because he have this passive, which is stupidily strong late game. You are constantly losing minions, so when he loses 2 minions all of his minions gets +1 Attack Permanently x)

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Last two pictures was just some funny respawns. We had a feature where it would "help" out every now and then. Not sure if they call this helping out, but alright.

3 Cards make a Golden Card. Not sure if 9 Cards (3 Golden) gives you a stronger card. I need to test that.

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Either way I suck. I am learning, but slowly :D
Learning by doing.

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