Returning To The Doctor's Room At Mitton University - Two Point Hospital

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This is a bit of a continuing story, starting from the first post I've written about this game.

Ah yes, am back again. Playing the doctor's simulator game, thinking that since I've nailed the basics, I could grasp the role of being hospital superintendent. I was done with 3 hospital levels, earning all 3 star rating for these locations. My job was done.

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Of course, I wasn't done entirely with the campaign, there was so much to be done, I just had started. Right now, I've played for over 20hrs so far. That includes the Mitton University level, as much as I was prepared for this level, it swept me off the rug 😣 because of the following that has happened.


Right from the top, soon as I was finishing up setting reception desks and placing the rooms, once I went to hire screen, here's what I've noticed; none of the doctors or nurses have any skills or experience. They were students for hire. All of them. This meant that I had to use the teaching classroom to train them with new skills and wait for a certain period of my playtime till they rank up to fill their skill by training.

How it works is that there are total 5-star ranking for each staff member, meaning that I have to fill up each of the skill slots with training. Every new staff I hire, am going to have to train them up all from the top. This seemed like a welcomed first.


Bad news, untrained doctors and nurses are terrible at their jobs and will leave large queues of patients waiting or often have bigger chances of failing treatments. This was bad. Pretty bad 🤦‍♂, as in like, money going down the drain bad.

I had about 3 different General Practician rooms for patients and yet, each of them had 6-7 queues of patients. Generally, the optimal appointment queues these rooms are supposed to have are 5. Past that, you got big problems coming your way. Patients will get "impatient"(excuse the pun), they will lose health easily and die, or they'll get angry and leave.

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My revenue was so down, I took out loans 3 times. This was the first time where I got desperate, the game just wasn't letting up. This level has objectives and that is to create a research room and finish researching for newer types of treatments and newer skills to unlock. This meant training doctors to be researchers, that one went well 😗(am kidding, it didn't).


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Things were getting bad, the staff was threatening to leave. Not like I could hire another one and then find spare time to train them while the whole hospital was taking bad rep, one point deduction to another.

It was time I threw away the kid gloves. So everytime I tried promoting a staff, I would increase their salary close to the margin that would upset them. Then just raise it again when need be. I also had to monitor each staff, doctor, and nurse to see who was bringing in money and costing me cash for no good reason.

Training the staff was also important, I finally had doctors who had 2nd tier skills for both GP and Psychiatry, because those two departments are where most patients are gathering up. Soon as I had that area covered, I was taking it easy.

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Making sure that my hospital has the best treatment chances than other hospitals, all I had to do was train staff and set up as to who will take what jobs and who won't. I had additional staff, just in case some people took job breaks.

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Patients' cure rates went up. From 70% to 90%. Ah yes, what was left was the research. Well, I played this level I guess for around 8-9hrs. So it took me that long till my hospital got to a 3-star rating. With upto 4 hospital block units, and a total of 9 GP rooms and 6 psychiatry offices.

That and also, firing some staff for taking too much money. I'll take the loss, I won't take the disrespect these people have of my institution 😤. 3-star rating had sealed the deal, so I left this hospital level with nearly 2 million in currency left. Was no longer dealing with debt.

Never realized being in charge could be a lot tougher than it would look. Thank you game, now I can move on with my life without seeing so many people vomit in trashcans. Which was happening quite a lot often in the game.

This was fun, hope you guys enjoyed the read.

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