Muterra / Hash Kings Updates, & 3 New HIVE titles + NFT giveaway

HIVE blockchain has what seems like an ever expanding game library with around 40 titles at the time of writing (good luck finding them).

Lack of a singular #hivemind aside, it can still be rather difficult to decide what games to focus on with the HIVE blockchain.

Right now Hashkings + Muterra are making waves, Splinterlands Never stops its hurricane of Updates & game improvements.

Given the past few write ups I created focused heavily on Splinterlands you can find those 👇 below.


For this write up we will be focusing on up & coming HIVE P2E titles Hashkings / Muterra.

Game creation

Little caveat about video games in general before we begin, Creating even rudimentary video games isn't easy.

Games even off blockchain can take years to be fully functional let alone completely launched, this why many popular games are active builds.

When you add the complication of blockchain integration & asset + market creation / oversight.

I can literally just fill this write up listing a litany of challenges Blockchain game developers face. Suffice it to say a year or two into a project if they are still actively showing improvement / progress, the sheer dedication involved should be commended.

Giving the difficulty of the task at hand, it takes a few years to fully flush out a title, the way the game gets built upon tells you a good deal about the teams building the title.

Anything worth doing takes time, patience, & effort.


Hashkings has introduced HIVE bot commands, allowing all the Hash Kings & Queens to share their Hashkings fandom on the HIVE platform.

Specifically to trigger the new Hashkings bot type !KING or !QUEEN in the comments of a HIVE post.

You can have a set number of the bot commands a day based on two factors Either your active Hashkings avatar XP.

By staking Hashkings BUDS the player gets another Hashkings crypto BUDSX, the amount of BUDSX is the BUDS staked.

Fun fact BUDSX or Staked BUDS uses a coin design created by me @chubb149

Yaaas Hash Queens either bot command 👆 works

This bot is beautifully brilliant multiple possible Hashkings prizes, suffice it to say you will be seeing a lot of these if you comment on my posts, or I find yours.

In February there also the Kings + Cupids Hashkings event going down for valentines day, this kicks off on the 7th & goes until the 28th.

Official Post below




Other Hashkings projects to check out would be Farming Wars Games & The Lotto system.

It would be truly appreciated if anyone checking out the lottery system would use my referral code below.


Using those referrals help me pay for giveaways like the ones included with this write up.

Absolutely thrilled with all the new changes & everything the @hashkings team does for HIVE, I have but one request for future game updates, can you add a North American land plot + a strain for it like Northern lights.

Fun 4/20 factoid

Many believe cannabis originated in warmer climates, it actually hails from middle to the northern parts of Asia. This means cannabis does quite well in the north under the right light conditions.


Call it a 6th sense but my NFT experience told me to buy a Tamer License from the current Muterra asset sale currently active.

Keep in mind it was not cheap, however I'm getting some major dejavu with Muterra right about now, they remind me of Splinterlands years ago, call it a hunch I wont regret this $10 purchase.

Another reason I bought a Tamer License Is I saved $10 by doing it now instead of when its no longer on sale.

Looks like in the upcoming month we will get our first Mutees in game.

Below is the post information about Muterra that caused me to get a Tamer License ASAP.

Nice choice on the Flora @muterra my guess is everglades Fallout edition meets Pokémon.

Seriously impressed with how quickly this game has been made, even with the Unity game engine I have seen projects take 3x the time & accomplish much less.

Muterra is rather unique even amongst other Unity game engine based Blockchain games, In this authors past they have tested around 8 P2E games using Unity game engine & none have implemented a PvE mechanism.

The author also kept up with Muterra since launch & played the prior build in the singular building that had some of the Mutees Spawning in it, rudimentary not blockchain integrated, but a peek at the combat system, not bad if memory serves.

Grand ambitions yes however its looking like Muterra will be making them reality soon.

Full official post below

Muterra site

3 More HIVE games

Around 3 years ago at an AMA with ETH project developers, I floated the notion of another Blockchain becoming the gaming Blockchain.

With WAX sitting at 118 Games & HIVE now approaching 50 gaming titles (44 by my current count), its clear this author wasn't the only one that felt this way.

Project after project being implemented on HIVE is truly amazing, its the AP Advanced Placement of P2E game development.

Crypto shots a FPS P2E based on WAX & HIVE.

Crypto Shots has NFTs on WAX & HIVE.

Since they at crypto shots have WAX NFTs, ill be throwing them in from time to time on the WAX airdrops or giveaways, given its one of many poly-chain HIVE P2E games with WAX NFT collections working in game.

To utilize in game sign in with WAX instead of HIVE, keep in mind I have yet to have sufficient time to test this & be certain.

Another open world JRPG being developed currently is Astral Revelations, not in open beta yet, however from all appearances its legitimately being created / launched currently.

No game link yet but here is the Projects HIVE profile
Git Book

PsyberX is an PlaytoEarn (P2E) First Player Shooter (FPS) game, these are also very rare in Blockchain gaming, why?

PsyberX is not cheap, but different strokes for different folks while FPS titles are not my favorite form of game if they are more your style maybe go with Crypto shots or PsyberX for your game pass investment.

PsyberX trailer is above, its apparently made with the unreal engine a game engine that's fairly prevalent in the FPS game genre market.

For those unaware of Unreal Engines history let me drop some gamer nerd knowledge on you.

Epic Games, Inc. founded by the companies primary software engineer Timothy Dean Sweeney in 1991, Epic Games is the company behind the Unreal Game engine(s).

Over the years the various Unreal game Engine(s) became a fairly popular game engine choice amongst many game companies.

Far to many projects to name use unreal game engines but here are a few highlights you may recognize.

Early projects that are of note
Deus Ex, The Wheel of Time, and Duke Nukem Forever

Titles from the seventh generation of consoles IE Xbox 360 / PS3
Gears of War, Batman: Arkham City and Aliens: Colonial Marines.

In recent years
The curerent unreal engine 5 is used in a number of high-profile game titles with high graphics capabilities, including PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Valorant and Yoshi’s Crafted World, in addition to games developed by Epic, including Gears of War and Fortnite.

Yeah Epic games makes one of the most popular FPS titles ever Fortnite using an unreal game engine.

Heck games are not the only type of media made using their game engines.
The Unreal Engine has found use in film production to create virtual sets that can track with a camera's motion around actors and objects.

Tv shows like West World or the Mandalorian where made with the unreal game engine. What all this means is PsyberX using the unreal game engine puts this HIVE project in plenty of good company, & seeing what has been created using Unreal game engines should give you a fair idea of PsyberX potential.

FPS titles are particularly impressive to find one of, let alone a few different titles on HIVE to choose from. Our cups runith over, given our broad variety of options afforded to the modern HIVE gamer, here's a quick run down of game development.

When creating say a text adventure game this is fairly rudimentary, 2d platformers / top down JRPGs while not simple by any measure usually have limits to their focus on collision detection & graphic fidelity.

Once we get into the realm of 3d rendering the rasterization process, Collision detection (game physics), Either AI or Multiplayer hurdles adding their own increase on resource demand.

You may note I have yet to mention the interplay of Blockchain assets & monetization with a 3d P2E like PsyberX yet, this PePe Silvia moment thus far has only been setting up the most rudimentary form of ground work.

Video games alone are not simple to create or even maintain let alone Blockchain games, because in addition to increased difficulty, the funding & success rate of P2E titles is at best untested, but at its worst is improbable.

Not impossible given where there is a will, there is a way, because not only fans of videogames like myself sick of corporate interest acting to the detriment of gaming as a medium. Many of the larger companies are exploiting the game creators as well as running the metaphoric boots to the consumers.

So what Blockchain games community may lack in precedent, I feel we more then make up for with potential, commitment, determination, & talent.

WAX NFT Giveaways

Every time I post on HIVE I do a few NFT giveaways, the first & larger 5 count WAX NFT airdrop URL which goes to the first user to click the link.

The next 5 WAX NFTs are given away to the first 5 users to comment their WAX wallet address, once I see the comment Ill send you a single WAX NFT followed by a reply stating I have done so. This is for the first 5 users only to leave their WAX address in the comments.

WAX web wallet adds a fee for new wallet creation?

When we have questions no one thought to ask, like how to avoid WAX web wallets 5 WAX fee, reddit already has the answer.

You can send an email to WAX Support:, they would help you bypass the fee.

Bam problem solved, the full reddit post can be found below.

Now bellow is the WAX web wallet once again free to sign up for with the workaround above.

WAX NFT Airdrop

A little longer URL then normal with the WAX NFT Airdrop, I just realized I could use the Splinterlands Atomic Hub LOL 🤣

All WAX NFTs given away today are NFTs connected to the following active P2E game.

Please understand the reason I give out NFTs using WAX & not HIVE is really to benefit everyone. A Splinterlands player has to pay for a Spell Book $10 in Splinterlands to get all the games features like asset transferring, a WAX wallet user can claim my giveaway for free regardless.

Miss the Airdrop? I have another 5 WAX NFTs going to the first 5 readers to comment their WAX wallet address on this HIVE post.

Stash Pass Weedcash NFT giveaway

Every time I post anything on HIVE I do several NFT giveaways, one such giveaway is my #stashpass NFT giveaway.

How you participate in a #stashpass NFT giveaway is be one of the first 5 HIVE users to comment #stashpass on this post & then Re-blog, gets a #stashpass Weedcash NFT sent to their HIVE wallet.

My #stashpass Weedcash NFTs are part of a monthly NFT raffle taking place on the 20th with the #stashpass NFT ownership being used to determine who wins the raffle.

Full Instructions on #stashpass raffles can be found via the URL below

You can view, buy, or sell Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here

So the first 5 HIVE users to comment #stashpass & then re-blog this post gets an exclusive limited #stashpass NFT sent to their HIVE wallet.

relevant links

Threw a lot at you on this one so here's a rundown of the links to relevant projects covered above.

Hash Kings
Astral Revelations no game yet available
Crypto shots

Games can be hard to locate on the HIVE blockchain, these links are prior listicles featuring another 21 HIVE P2E titles.



These HIVE titles 👇 a great place to start as they are truly free P2E games.

All the new projects coming to HIVE, I would like to know what your opinions are in regards to this P2E wave, a good sign, or a bad sign for HIVE blockchain in general ?

Shout it out in the comments.

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