I Want That Big Umbrella ☔☔☔

Hey fellas,

I'm still enjoying this Sky Children Of The Light game after more than two weeks of playing it. There is a lot to discover and learn. For me who has slow hands I struggle a lot with controls. The game has a lot of flying,diving,crash landing,and gliding. Imagine doing all these with fat fingers whew good luck not being able to complete a mission
Today reliving the memories of one of the spirits in the Hidden Forest is my goal. I really don't like going there because of the ☔🌧️ I wish I had an umbrella ready so my life doesn't drain too quick. Luckily I saw this spirit could this be the one whom I could buy the umbrella from? Maybe. Well I tried catching it but unfortunately this is the kind of catching that I hate. Keeping the light lit while following the spirit walking on uneven terrain and worse climbing and jumping on hilly grounds. A guide would not even be handy with this kind of task. You should do it on your own because you could not hold hands with the guide as you are holding a light up. Maybe I will just wait for this spirit to visit as a TS traveling spirit and that I guess would make the purchase quick. I am guessing because I am still a noob or moth as they call it.

This is me getting stuck in an OOB that area in the game that is difficult to reach or is not intended to be explored because there's nothing in there. I kept getting pushed by the wind I lost my energy or light and there's no nearby light source to recharge. Only option I can do is hit home. I could have avoided it if I jumped real quick.

This is another OOB or out of bounds area I am guessing. Situated too high above the clouds and far off the main entry going to Daylight Prairie after Isle Of Dawn. See me here facing the wall standing on a narrow platform. I am scared to fall not knowing what is down there, could be an endless abyss like my previous experience in Hermit Valley. I have a few funny experiences like these I look dumb and clueless as I obviously do not know what to do. I just take the time to capture a selfie, the view is breathtaking on most of the places I visit. Hope you guys had a nice laugh looking at my blunders playing Sky Children Of The Light.

OK Bye


World turning slowly with certainty despite the setbacks. Now slowly notice the glitz and shine and take that all in

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