Let's Review "The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse"

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"The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse" is a roguelike action role-playing game developed by Onebitbeyond. The game has a top-down isometric view, cute cartoony graphics, and is very reminiscent of the old Zelda games. The world is procedurally generated and differs on each playthrough. There are three difficulty modes and the game features drop-in drop-out couch co-op.


You players a random character who is destined to become the Sword of Dito which basically means you have a special sword and some fancy clothing and you have to protect the people of Ditton Ville from Mormo the witch. The game starts by you pulling a sword from the statue in ditto bill and then heading to fight Mormo almost immediately during this prologue, Ock explains how things work and then you face more Mormo. you're going to die and when you do a hundred years pass and you awaken as another random character that will become the sword of Ditto but this time you'll have more days to prepare for the final battle and that's the game loop all playthroughs end up with you going to Mormo castle taking on her minions followed by the final showdown the aim of the game is to defeat Mormo but you have to come prepared and level up your sword sufficiently otherwise you won't stand a chance the game world is very cute, very colorful, very cartoony, and as I said the world is procedurally generated so each area, town or dungeon will be different every time you play which really helps make things feel fresh.

Apart from the main quest of taking out Mormo you also have a variety of other side quests you can obtain from the locals. There are toy dungeons throughout the map and completing these is essential as you'll be rewarded with a special toy weapon that will need to defeat Mormo. However, these dungeons aren't straightforward and you'll have to work out a wide variety of puzzles to unlock them and get a treasure room. Another way to weaken Mormo for the final battle is destroy her hankers to get to the anchors you've got to get the toys from the dungeon so get the toy dungeon done then go to do the anchor because you can't completely anchor the dungeon without the weapon because it basically makes it impossible to do so and if you get rid of all the anchors more Mormo a lot weaker to fight.

The controls are pretty easy to learn you can attack, roll pick up objects and throw them, or use various special items via the triangle button hotkeys, and if you run out of health items you can try smashing pots and cutting down grass as various collectibles are hidden around the map. You have an air kazoo which lets you fast travel to kazoo bus stops throughout the world there's a wide variety of toy weapons you can use from yo-yos, mines, bombs, bow and arrows, and water pistols. There are special weapons available like laser rings a Power Ranger type skill and one the summons a large monster foot to stomp on your enemies. You also can collect stickers that can be slaughtered into your character and grant you special abilities like extra speed, better power for example, or like a bear claw which lets you power up your third strike in a combo. The town's feature toy shops sticker shops and snack shops and you'll need those snacks as they basically act as MIDI packs. You can get chocolate, milk, sushi burgers sound like my life any of those things to replenish your health. Apart from Mormo there are many other enemies throughout the game world and the variety is fantastic with bats, snails, skeletons, spitting plants, all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff.

Overall, it's a very comprehensive game world with lots of variety, lots of toys, cool characters, varied enemies, challenging dungeons, and mind-bending puzzles. Graphically the game is very colorful and cute it looks more like a Saturday morning cartoon than a game and everything is just bright bold colorful very cool the environments are varied because it's procedural and overall I really think it's a very nice game to look at very easy on the eye and not much flashing the most flashy camerawork so if you're looking for a game it's not gonna kill your eyes after a long day in the office this is a good one for that. The in-game music is perfect and it really captures the Zelda-like vibe. The sound effects that bright snappy and even the menu sound effects have a like a melody to them so you can almost like play a song as you're moving through the menu.

It's a fun pick-up-and-play action-adventure game. The toy weapons are so much fun to use. The game loop and procedural map give the game great replay value the game world and the characters are quirky weird but absolutely charming, the couch co-op mode is great fun, the puzzles add some nice variety for the combat driven gameplay and it's the perfect game to play with your kids. The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse is a great action-adventure game for solo or couch co-op players. It's fun easy to pick up and play and it's got lots of cool quirky toys and gadgets. The map is always changing and the characters of the environment everything looks super cute and it's just lovely relaxing and fun. One side note while I was reviewing this I did look up the Metacritic score just to gauge what the general view was and it had a 7 out of 10 which I thought was surprising so it seems when the game originally came out it really had a lot of issues and bugs and the beginning as I said is confusing still but it was a lot more confusing so this version is not the original version so I didn't play that but this version I absolutely love I think it's fantastic I never played the first version that came out I've only played more most cursed editions so I can't comment on the state of the original game but this game was great. It's a game I really r enjoyed. It's a bit of light relief you know it's not going to stress you out it's a good morning game or evening game or a game to play with your young nephews or nieces or your kids because it's very safe, it's colorful, and fun.


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