Splitting heads and Splitting Stones

This monster is uglier than your worst nightmare and that's putting it lightly. It is also as brutal as it looks and I employed it in a SPlinterlands battle that i honestly didn't expect to win.

Rarity: RARE
Element: EARTH
ABILITIES: Retaliate at level 1; Enrage at level 5

I only use this particular monster when equaliser ruleset is on because while being a brutish badass, it has low health and is one strong magic attack is all it takes to take it out of the game.

Link to battle

The Summoner

This summoner maximises the effect of Melee and Ranged monsters by deleting shields in the vicinity. It becomes extra important in this battle where I used a brutish and vindictive melee monster up top.

Vindictive Tank

Whatever this guy lacks in beauty, it makes up for it in brute strength, It also keeps a grudge, so don't think you're going to get a melee hit and get away without taking some damage yourself.

Once the shields are out of the way, all that's left is to brutalise the enemy and I can't think of anyone better at this job than this bloodthirsty Orc.

Not one to be in my team regularly, it fit perfectly for this battle because of the equaliser ruleset and the wicked melee hit that only gets accentuated by the retaliate ability. That ability turned out to be very important in this battle and despite being of relatively low level, it still did proper damage.


This monster usually joins my rank because I need it to reflect magic attacks. That's literally all it is meant for. It offers decent magic attack but for me, the real benefit is reflecting and absorbing magic.

Unfortunately, there were only ranged monsters with Snipe ability, so it was mostly useless, bar the times it dodged attacks.

Sneaky Worm

This guy is a proper damage monger when it is in the team and feeling motivated. It can be very annoying when the opponent has a monster with super speed, thorns or healing at the back.

Today, the monster at the back had shield ability but that didn't matter too much to this brute of a worm as it did damage from the back of the opponent's team.

Delete Shield

This is also not a regular member of my team but I like to have it whenever reverse speed or weak magic ruleset are in effect. Today, I employed it because of that vindictive tank up front.

Well, I was generally going for physical attacks for this battle, so taking out shields was very important in improving the effectiveness of my monsters.


One of the recent additions to my team and very special monster with a one of kind ability, we have Beatrix Ironhand.

Keeping with the theme of going with physical attacks, I added her to the fold. I also hoped that later in the battle, her thorns would come in handy if the headhunter was taken out or if there was some melee monster waiting to throw hands up front.


What can i say? I like violence and no one brings the pain like a headhunter. I mean, there's a reason they're called head hunting and I tell you, it is not because they are talent scouts.

This monster offers proper damage and snares any flying monster it hist with its strike. There wasn't any need for the snare ability but the wicked damage from ranged hits worked a charm, thank you very much.

It worked out

Winning always feels nice and whenever I win with a few monsters to spare, even better. It is also extra sweet when expectations are low right before the game.

I can't think of anything I would have done differently. Although before the battle, I was caught between picking a Mitica-Ironhand combo to a Cornealus-Parasitic growth. I think either option would have worked out fine, at the end of the day though.

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