Final Fantasy VII: A Badgirl Barbie Breakdown

💋 Final Fantasy VII: A Badgirl Barbie Breakdown 💋

Alright, babes, gather ‘round. 😘 Today, we’re diving deep into the one and only Final Fantasy VII (FFVII), the game that made me feel all the feels and probably ruined me for most other RPGs. From saving the planet to swooning over love triangles (who doesn’t love a good triangle, am I right?), FFVII is one hell of a ride. And honey, this one hits different.

Section 1: The Story 🖤🌍

So let’s kick things off with the story, shall we? If you’ve never played FFVII, buckle up, buttercup, ‘cause it’s a wild one.

The Basics:

We start with Cloud Strife, our brooding, spikey-haired ex-SOLDIER who’s got enough baggage to fill an entire airship. 🛩️ He hooks up with a group of eco-terrorists called Avalanche, led by the tough and loud Barret, whose whole mission is to take down the evil Shinra Corporation. Shinra’s sucking the planet dry of its life energy (Mako), and Avalanche is like, "Nah, not on our watch."

But here’s where things get spicy. 💥 Cloud gets tangled up with two incredible women:

  1. Tifa Lockhart – Cloud’s childhood friend, fighter, and absolute sexy badass. She’s always had a thing for him, but girl’s too good to come on strong. We love a strong yet soft queen, and Tifa is all that and more. 💪💋

  2. Aerith Gainsborough – The sweet, ethereal flower girl who, spoiler: is the last of the Cetra, a race connected to the planet’s spiritual life force. She’s basically a magical angel who can save the world, no big deal. 🌸


Now, Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa have a complicated little relationship. You can feel the tension between Tifa and Cloud—they’ve got history. 😏 But then Aerith steps in, and suddenly, Cloud’s all like, “Wait, am I falling for this flower girl?” You KNOW there’s trouble brewing when you’re caught between the tough girl next door and the mystical dream girl from another realm. Dramaaaa!

Anyway, after blowing up reactors and fighting off Shinra, we learn about Sephiroth, the most iconic, silver-haired villain of all time. Sephiroth wants to summon Meteor to destroy the planet, because... villain things. Turns out, Sephiroth’s got his own mommy issues. (Jenova, an alien from the cosmos, is his "mother" and she ain’t here to bake cookies, y’all.)

The Midpoint Twist:
Somewhere along the way, Sephiroth kills Aerith (!!!) in a moment that ripped my heart out and stomped on it. 💔 I still see her dying in my nightmares, y’all. She was trying to summon Holy to save the planet, and Sephiroth just... yeah, did her dirty. Cloud and Tifa are left to pick up the pieces.

The End:

So, after a whole lot of soul-searching and Mako-induced headaches, Cloud and the gang take on Sephiroth to stop Meteor and save the planet. They even head to the Promised Land, a Cetra paradise, to confront Sephiroth for one last showdown.

Does Cloud ever really get over Aerith? Does Tifa finally get her guy? Honey, that’s up to you and your interpretation, but the magic of FFVII is how these relationships stay with you, long after you’ve saved the planet. 🌍✨

Section 2: Gameplay 🎮🖤

Now, let’s talk gameplay. FFVII is all about that turn-based combat mixed with some other wild mechanics. You’re managing your team, using Materia (those cool little gems that give you spells, summons, and other badass powers), and smacking around enemies in turn-based battles. It’s old-school, but so damn satisfying.

Party Dynamics:

You roll with a party of three at a time, but you can switch people in and out at save points. Every character brings something different to the table—Cloud’s got his Buster Sword, Tifa’s throwing hands left and right, and Aerith is all about those healing spells. 🙏 But then you get the weirder ones, like Red XIII (a talking lion-wolf thing), Cait Sith (a cat on a giant stuffed moogle), and Vincent Valentine, the dark and brooding vampire guy with the HOTTEST cloak in gaming history.

Styles Switch Up:

Sometimes, the game throws curveballs at you, too. You’ve got your standard battles, but then you’re racing chocobos, snowboarding down mountains, and even infiltrating enemy bases using stealth. They’re always mixing it up, keeping things fresh and fun.

But the real fun is in all the summons. You can call in Ifrit, Shiva, or the legendary Knights of the Round to lay waste to your enemies, and let me tell you, when those summons drop, it’s like fireworks on the Fourth of July, baby. 🎇

Section 3: The Soundtrack 🎶🎧

Now, let’s talk tunes. The soundtrack of FFVII? Pure magic. Seriously, it’s dreamy AF. I’m not ashamed to say I still listen to it to this day, especially when I wanna vibe out or feel all nostalgic...or just get a lot of work done.

One version I’m absolutely obsessed with is this incredible recording by Sean Schafianski (shoutout to him for making my life better 🖤). His remastered take on the FFVII soundtrack is like auditory heaven. You can check it out here: Sean Schafianski's FFVII Album and trust me, if you’re not listening to this while sipping wine and having deep thoughts about life, what are you even doing?

For the OG vibes, the remastered version on Apple Music is pure gold too: FFVII Soundtrack on Apple.

Section 4: The Beauty of FFVII 💋✨

FFVII is a freakin' masterpiece. The world-building is next level. From the gritty, industrial streets of Midgar to the awe-inspiring beauty of Cosmo Canyon, it’s an RPG landscape like no other.

Cosmo Canyon 🏜️

This place is all about spirituality and deep connection to the planet. I remember the first time I walked into Cosmo Canyon—it’s all fire-lit and red rock beauty, and the music makes you feel like you’re standing at the edge of something greater than yourself. Cosmic. Just, wow. 🌌


Midgar & Shinra 🏭

And then there’s the darkness. Midgar is this dirty, dystopian mess of a city ruled by the corrupt Shinra Corporation. You spend so much time running through grimy alleyways and slums, you can practically feel the oil and dirt on your skin. 🖤 And let’s not forget Shinra Mansion, a haunted, creepy-ass place full of dark secrets. 👻


Materia & Skills 💎

But don’t even get me started on collecting Materia. It’s like an obsession. You wanna get your hands on all the enemy skills and every damn summon. And honey, raising Chocobos to get the best stuff? Racing them was like a whole ass mini-game inside the game. If you weren’t breeding Chocobos to get that ultimate Knights of the Round summon, what were you even doing with your life? 🐤💥

Section 5: The FFVII Remake 🔄

Now, have you tried the FFVII Remake yet? It’s out and about, and from what I’ve seen, it’s a total glow-up. But let’s get real for a sec, did they actually do it justice? I’m a sucker for the original, so I’m curious, what do you think?

Did they nail the Cloud-Aerith-Tifa triangle? Is Sephiroth still making you wanna scream and fan yourself? Did they keep it true to the original layout, backgrounds and playing style? Or did they change too much? 😏 Drop me a comment, ‘cause I need to know if it’s worth diving in!

Final Thoughts 🖤

So, there you have it—Final Fantasy VII in all its wild, nostalgic, epic glory. From the killer story to the dreamy soundtrack and the insane amount of things to collect, this game is an absolute treasure. And if you haven’t played it yet... babe, what are you waiting for?

Until next time, may your Materia always be equipped, your Chocobos always fast, and your summon animations as over-the-top as you remember. 😉

Stay wild,
Badgirl Barbie 💋

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