Simple look at Faerie Solitaire (PC, Steam)

Faerie Solitaire is a fun spin on a classic game on Steam. Besides the main game you are able to raise up pets and construct buildings that give magic abilities to help win a round. I bought it just to have a simple game to play while traveling around to pass the time. Now a few years later It still accomplishes that goal and I'll turn on my laptop and play the game while awaiting a delivery or waiting out a thunderstorm.


Adventure mode is the story, Quickplay allows you to choose the stage and challenges make the game harder but give higher rewards.

Faerie Land contains the plots that help you power up

I haven't spent too much time exploring the other options as I just turn it on and start playing but now that I see it could make things easier I'll probably start building up some plots.

There are nine stages to a level in Adventure mode and at the end of a round you can see your stats, what round number you're on and how much you've filled the bar. The objectives must be completed and the bar full to release the faerie inside!

The story begins with the character having a dream and hearing a voice and when he wakes up he still hears the voice calling out in the distance, so he decides that the best idea is to follow the voice to see who is talking. The game is voice acted in between each segment with a hushed descriptive albeit hesitant voice.

And here's the game! Just how everybody remembers it but with quirky figures representing the cards. The game offers an undo button if you flub but other than that its pretty straight foward. The top left tells you what stage and round number you're on, the top right is the bar you have to fill to complete the round, and the bottom left is how much total Pure (Currency earned by playing) you have. The top bar is how much Pure your combo is worth before changing the bottom card.


And these last two photos are of the Pet Collection. At the end of a row of cards you may find a resource or an egg that contains a pet, I'm not quite sure what having a pet does in game but its another thing to do!


What games do you turn on when you're traveling or stuck in a moment of 'Not enough time for this but not enough time for that' I'd like to hear about your experiences!

Thank you for reading.

Happy Gaming!

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