In Search of a Fishing Hole


Tried to create a map with landmarks and 'accent' icons. Images got squashed in resize. Goof! Made in Paint by me.

I've always had an interest with fishing in Games. The mystery of what could be caught in these strange worlds, the chance for 'rare' items, the use cases of fished up items, and the interactions that might occur when others are nearby.

I know there are 'comfy' games that feature fishing as a main activity but I think I enjoy a game where the opportunity to be 'mauled' or 'attacked' at any time by enemies adds to the randomness of fishing.

As fishing can be done in 'any' body of water it gives me a good motivation to 'explore the world', either to try and find a unique fishing spot or to simply enjoy the game setting while I wait for something to bite the hook.

I've taken the time to 'showcase' some of the games I fish in and my reasons for partaking in the activity.


--New World--
When New World launched it wasn't quite the 'glamorous' launch. Glitched enemies, quest areas were chock full of players killing everything in sight, server issues, sometimes just waiting for a zone to properly load. I took to fishing as it allowed me to stay in an area while it loaded, it gave some experience from leveling the skill, and the minigame itself was entertaining enough without being annoying.



I've shared these images on Hive before

It was also nice to fish up treasure chests holding materials inside for crafting professions and the occasional pouches full of money were the icing on the cake.


The variety of fish in every zone made the game world feel 'reel' (ayy) and the different types of bait gave me an option to pick and 'choose' what type of fish I wanted exactly.


From the regular...


To the reasons why I don't venture into deep water in real life.

It was good fun for me and the fishing quests had me running all over the map trying to complete them that were separate from the regular questing areas, thus I got to explore areas that weren't heavily populated and got to understand the 'fishing' skill even more in game.

I also had some good conversations with other players on the fishing quest line that crafted me an awesome fishing rod that was beyond anything I had at the time.


We were discussing why we were fishing instead of leveling to 60


Building blocks? Mining? CRAFTING? Why didn't I just play Minecraft? Well, Terraria may be 2D but I am discovering that there is definitely more 'depth' than it appears. In this game there is plenty of variation when it comes to fishing, time of day, position of the moon,, biome, surface or cavern fishing, fishing rods, baits, and if certain events are currently triggered in the world.


Fishing at dusk over a 'pond' I found

There is even an Angler NPC who will assign quests and reward fishing appropriate items! Are the requests completely whacko and tedious? Most of the time, yes. But isn't that just the nature of fishing?


I trekked all the way to the ocean just to receive a quest to fish underground


Is this deep enough?


Maybe this aquifer will work

I did fish up a 'utility fish' that could be used to replace one of my tools!




In action!

I've had the game for years yet I've never gone too far beyond digging deep to mine, so exploring this aspect of the game is both exciting yet something I want to take my time discovering to prevent getting burnt out.


--Project Zomboid--
What would I do in a zombie apocalypse? Would I go to a supermarket, raid their shelves, and stock up somewhere? Or perhaps I should raid an arsenal and seek vegeance on the monsters now shambling the streets in a futile attempt to give humanity its payback... Or I could find a nice waterway and fish for my meals with a camp.

That sounds like a nice retreat amidst all the craziness that surviving a zombie apocalypse that long would incur on the person... and probably what I would do in real life anyway!

The supplies to start fishing can be difficult to find (I lost two survivors trying to find a fishing rod!)


It is heartbreaking seeing my survivor(Blue shirt) shamble around

But the 'world' Project Zomboid takes place in has plenty of water areas to fish from, the zombies are more prevalent in urban areas as opposed to rural so I don't have to put myself at any higher risk raiding buildings for supplies.

Is it ridiculous that my fantasy is to be in a quiet place away from all the crazy when I could be doing all types of whacky stuff with no real repercussions? Probably. but seeing as 'fisher' is an option amongst all the starting 'classes',


I am sure many of the other jobs here would be more useful... But I am on a mission!

I was interested and wanted to see how feasible it could be in a zombie situation if I managed to get some supplies.

I lucked out with my latest survivor and spawned next to a Bait Shop


The bait must work because I went straight for it

I found the necessary supplies along with spare parts incase the rod or line breaks


and the nearest body of water was right up the road so I took to using my equipment. I had success and caught some fish to eat for the day!


Fishing in Project Zomboid is just waiting for the meter to fill


Put in the oven to cook and got them out before burned

While the fishing in Project Zomboid is less 'active' the threat of possible starvation and approaching zombies seems to fill the 'thrill of the catch' aspect. We'll see how far I can go but So far so good!

I was starting to panic when I couldn't find a fishing rod in Project Zomboid Before my latest survivor. My cousin informed me the fishing in Warframe was pretty cool and I should give it a try.


I 'played' Warframe when it first launched back in 2013 but only tried out the PVP and never actually got past the tutorial, (Noob!)


After completing the tutorial and beginning missions I finally had a chance to try out the fishing. Though in Warframe, it isn't a fishing rod that is used... But a spear!



I was excited to test my 'aim' at the first fish I saw roaming the waters. I saw my target, lined up the shot, and... landed a boot!


Fitting for my luck in games

My cousin laughed while I was somewhat stumped that even in the future the waters are littered with boots. I guess 'Boots' or 'Shoes' will always go hand in hand with fishing.


Early New World photo I took when I caught a boot

I did manage to catch a real fish though!


I once caught a fish thissss big

There are other planets with options to fish in Warframe that I need to unlock so I will continue playing until I get a better idea of how much gear, items, or weapons 'fishing' unlocks in this game.

--Ending Thoughts--

What's my end goal with the fishing activity? I may seem as mad as the early sailors in the age of discovery but I just enjoy fishing as a break from the 'grind' that all of these games devolve into once they reaches a certain point.

There are many aspects I enjoy that are associated with 'fishing', engaging with the players who participate, They are intriguing individuals and are almost always friendly when conversation is brought up, the use cases and descriptions for some of the fish or items reeled in are interesting ways to 'world build', and all the oddities and novelties that often come attached to this simple side activity,

So, as long as developers keep adding 'fishing' into games where fishing isn't the main focus, I will partake in the activity and discover what the waters in the games world are hiding.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Happy Fishing!

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