Housing in Gaming (New World)

A monitor displaying a house with sale sign, 'Player owned' on bottom. Created by me in Paint

Real estate or 'Player owned' housing in gaming is a popular feature that allows the player to call an area of the game "Home".

The first time I experienced Player housing was in Runescape,


I sunk so much gold into the skill trying to make a great looking house for my character to chill in. After going broke (in-game) several times I finally got my house to a satisfying point and spent the rest of my free time having my character sit in the house while I messaged friends.

The 'throwing all my currency into a house' experience stuck with me and I haven't really tried player housing in another MMORPG afterwards because what was the actual point? Was it a way to keep players interested in that aspect of the game or maybe it was a feature introduced to help combat game currency inflation? I never took the time to do further research.

Recently though I've been playing New World and I've decided to re-examine player housing and figure out if it's worth the time and effort.


New World allows players to buy a house at any of the territories that has a town and a faction controlling it. I checked out the territories with access to water because whenever I am waiting for an Outpost Rush queue (PVP) or forming a group for a dungeon (PVE) I'll often wait by the water and begin fishing, so I figured owning a house by the water would best suit me.


I checked out all the coast territories.


And I was split between Reekwater with a fen right under the raised settlement.


Another option was Mourningdale with a pond just outside the settlement and a quick walk from player housing.


I decided on Mourningdale and after raising my settlement standing I purchased a house. Since this was my first house purchase, I was able to buy it for half its usual price.

ASynckronism - Home Owner!

The above screenshot lists the features of owning a house,

  • Decorate the inside
  • Fast Travel
  • Trophy Buff aka the ability to place trophies which gives a passive character boost to whichever skill the trophy is based on.

I could've crafted a trophy for myself but my level with the furniture skill was... lacking to say the least.

I have nothing to say...

A quick jaunt to the marketplace and I was now an owner of a fishing trophy!

I once bought a fish THIIIIIS big!

Although on second glance now people might think I am a fishing fraud.

What did it take to get to this point?

  • The thought process of knowing what I wanted with a house and looking at each territory and choosing one took maybe 30 minutes.

  • Leveling the settlement standing to allow me to buy a house took maybe 2 1/2 hours.

  • Since it was my first house purchase it was half its usual price so it didn't hit my coffers too deeply.

  • Furnishing and decorating the house is going to take some time. Especially since I haven't been keeping any furniture I've received as loot drops.

  • If I want to keep my house bonuses I need to pay a house tax every week. Which if I don't play often, would be an eventual detriment to my game currency.

I think this is everything.

Owning an in-game house is just a part of the game experience. It didn't cost anything in terms of 'Premium currency'. Just time and in-game currency but it was still an investment. One that I think will bear more fruit than I realize the more that I play and invest in the house itself (Storage chests!).

If you've ever had a house in any game please feel free to post a picture and share your experience in the comments!

Thank you for following me on this housing journey and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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