AquaShop - Stock Log #7 " The Jellyfish "

AquaShop - Stock Log #7 " The Jellyfish "

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Hello and welcome back to The AquaShop Stock Log. 🐠

In this series we will be showcasing the different types of fish you might find in an aspiring fish shop!

take notes shop owners!

Starting with some of the more commonly found fish we will work our way up to the more sought after species of fish that only an experienced caretaker could handle.

The Jelly Fish

Salt Water


Jellyfish come in all shapes and sizes and are truly a wonder of the ocean. They are mainly free-swimming marine animals with umbrella-shaped bells and trailing tentacles. Some species have a clear color while others come in many different colors, many of which are luminescent.

Jellyfish can be found in oceans all over the world! Some species require warm water to survive, while others require cold. Although most jellyfish require salt water some can live in freshwater. Jellyfish are unable to fight the current of the ocean which means they drift wherever the current takes them. Perhaps this is why they are found all over the world's oceans and beaches!

So what are they made of?

The jellyfish is made up of 98% water and has no brain, blood, lungs or heart. Instead, jellyfish rely on a nervous system that has receptors to detect light, vibrations and the chemicals of the water.

Are they poisonous?

The box jellyfish, which can be found in Australia and the Indo-Pacific, is poisonous enough to kill humans and is arguably the most poisonous jellyfish alive today!

Old than dirt. Literally...

Jellyfish have existed for over 600 million years. Most of the dirt you see today is only from the past two million years.

T1000 Jellyfish!

The Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish do not die of old age. When this species of jellyfish become sick, injured or old it creates new cells, also known as cellular transdifferentiation, that restore its health and youth.

We will continue to show more information as time comes. More facts can be read about these fish HERE.

That's all we have for today shop keeps! Keep an eye on the horizon our next post and expect to see more fish soon!

What kind of fish would you own? Let us know below!




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