Thoughts on Life is Strange 2

After completing TOTK I was willing to play something that didn´t make me to think too much, I just wanted to play something chill and that´s when I crossed with Life is Strange 2 which I didn´t know it was on the switch, I already completed the first game a few years ago and I thought it was cool, besides, I wanted to play this game before, it was exactly what I was waiting for, a chill game where I could relax and not to think that much.

Life is Strange 2 tells the story of Sean and Daniel Diaz, two brothers that after an unfortunate event they decide to move to Mexico from Seatle, we´ll be living their adventures and seeing how they grow as characters through the story. I´ll talk about the performance first because it´s the thing I care the less to be honest, I played the game on the switch and I think it´s fine, there are frame drops sometimes when the game shows a lot of graphic power but these frame drops are pretty fast, they didn´t annoy me at all, the resolution is fine too, it doesn´t look blurry to me, I think it´s a cool port, the game is playable from start to finish and didn´t have any issue.


Life is Strange had an interesting gimmick about traveling time, the protagonist could travel in time a few seconds and that was cool because we could use this gimmick to see many results from our actions, if you didn´t like what happened in certain moment, you could just travel in time and do another thing or making another decision. However, there is no gimmick in this game, while it´s true you can use a special ability from your brother -sometimes- it´s not that frequent and it doesn´t affect the story that much, I suppose that´s better or worse depending from your perspective but it´s true that deletes a little bit the feeling that you are playing something unique, I mean, when playing the first game, I had this feeling of playing something new or unique because of the gimmick, but there is no gimmick here so, it feels like you are playing another graphic adventure.

Life is Strange 2 felt to me like had more importance when taking decisions, you couldn´t travel back in time so I had to be sure what I was doing, the game takes into account some variables like how do you treat your brother through the adventure, your moral, if you are aven capable of killing someone to advance further in the story and so on, these parameters can affect your ending and the resolution of the story.


When playing Life is Strange 2 I felt like there wasn´t much gameplay to play to be honest, I mean, even if the first game took you by the hand a lot, still you could play a lot but this time I felt like the gameplay was more reduced, sometimes I was just holding the controller and doing nothing, the story is interesting so I didn´t mind much but I would have liked that the game let me play more instead of watching a lot of cutscenes everytime.

I think I´m pretty sastified with Life is Strange 2, it´s everything I expected it to be, a game I could just chill and stop thinking, there are some moments through the story that I can´t stop thinking that they could write something better but in order to tell everything I would have to do spoilers so better not, characters are interesting enough so you can empathize with their background, sometimes the little brother will give a lot of headache and even getting unbearable, he´s just a kid tho so I think that´s normal, the story makes an emphasis in the difficult situation that immigrants can experience I´m sastified with the story but there are some moments that left me like ¨Oh, that´s way to convenient¨, through the game there will be many quick time events which are easy to do, probably they were designed that way to let everyone to easily play without feeling it´s too hard.


All of the screenshots were taken by me

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