Ripping Off Legs F.t Hermes The God Of Speed | God Of War 3 Remastered | Hercules Pummelled | Nemean Cestus Obtained | Entered A New Area

Hello guys, hope you are doing good.

Two More Battle Of The Gods, Hermes and Hercules. Fell before the angry god.


In the chamber there were empty canvases that revealed themselves when the light from Helios was shone. I shone it on all of the portraits and got the know more about the story.


The chase for Hermes’ legs began.


The first leg was slashed off as effortlessly as cutting off a chicken’s leg. The poor guy slithered as he used every tactic that came to his mind to confuse Kratos to not kill him.


The guy died and Kratos took out the cut legs and wore the winged heels, gave him the ability to run fast and deliver a small amount of damage to the one ahead of the dash.


The ancient puzzles were funny, who knew that these old, fornicating, downright savage gods would have a thing for music, a piano at that. This was hard though but got it.


Moving the platform of the flames of Sparta that made the 3 kings’ balance shake and them not letting go of it for which the action was rendered useless.


Going down the long stairs of Olympus.


Kratos found Hera in a drunk. Cannot blame the woman as her husband cheats as much as he breathes. She toasted to the fact that Kratos would ensure her husband’s demise.


Her son Hercules was there. He was jealous of Kratos as he was made the god of war and not him. He thought that Zeus’s favourite son was Kratos and not him. Kratos tried to reason with him but the argument turned sour and they went for each other’s throat. Hera cheered for her son while Hercules called in a battalion of low levelled skeleton crew, literally.


The poor guy(Hercules) was pummelled and disfigured and thrown in a lake underneath the place where they were fighting.

From there onwards Kratos found and entered a new area where a wailing girl asked for her release.

Enjoy the gameplay.

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