Let's Play "HAKAI" (PICO-8) - DBZ-esque Beam Fighting

HAKAI is an Arena Fighting game for the Fantasy Console PICO-8. It's a simple fast-paced fighting game with aireal combat and laser beams.

Playing Hakai reminds me a lot of Dragon Ball Z game, and I won't be suprised to know it was inspired by DBZ. (My first impression was that of a plane fighting game, though.) The character's ability to fly, and shooting beams is something Iconic of the DBZ series.

As you'd see in the video recording, I'm bad at this game! I had fun, but I'm still not sure if I was playing it correctly considering how many times I got the "Game Over" screen. These few minutes of play were still fun, though.

The game has 4 characters with 2 sets of 4 skills giving 16 combinations. The beams could work as a bullet, heavy shots, tracking shots or sniper shots. ...I, don't understand the difference between the skill combinations. The characters look different in battle, though. Which is a good thing!

The controls weren't easy to understand, and there are only to buttons on PICO-8 which doesn't allow for many options. Hakai is a good base for a full fledged game, though.

I think this game could be more, but I don't know if PICO-8 is capable of flashier visuals or better controls. What do you think?

PICO-8 is a Fantasy Console designed to create, share and play small retro-inspired games. Games made for PICO-8 are constrained in aethistics, code and size to encourage creativity. PICO-8 comes with a built-in code editor, graphics, and sound tools. Games are distributed in image files called Cartridges. In this series of videos, I discover great games made on this Fantasy Console, letting you discover these games with me.

This playthrough was recorded on a Linux (PopOS) Laptop.

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