[ScreenShot Saturday] My Gaming Updates (Sep 05) - Back Again!

This week featuring Tales of Vesperia and Pokken: Pokemon Tournament!

Weekly updates on the games I play, fun stuff and the interesting screenshots I take. #ScreenshotSaturday is where I put a digest of my gaming through the week. (In GameDev scene, ScreenshotSaturday is a weekly event for developers to show their progress.)


Welcome to another one of my #ScreenshotSaturday posts! I've stopped posting these for the last two months 'cause I couldn't stay consistent, but now I have enough time for gaming and writing and I'm comfortable to resume this series.

I started using my Nintendo Switch more lately. Most importantly I started playing Tales of Vesperia which became the main title I'm playing with other games . I also downloaded more than a few Demos on Switch, most of which I have yet to try, but the one I did was Pokken: Pokemon Tournament!

For PC gaming, I decided to delete most of the games I haven't touched in a while including BlazBlue which I was planning on finishing but kept procrastinating on that. I deleted so many files/games that my PC finally feels light again, and I might be able to download the massive Final Fantasy X after I finish one of my main games on PC. (This might take a while since Libya Blackouts are still a thing which prevents me from using PC for enough gaming time.)

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

I already wrote a First Impression article, and a Blind play opinion on Tales of Vesperia. I'm 16 hours in and the story just started to show its destination after a journey through an entire continent chasing a thief.

I love all the main characters I met by now, also some of the support/antagonist characters. The world is interesting like every other Tales games I played. The concept of Blastia, (artifacts capable of using the world's energy for basically everything,) while cliche, it's still perfect for the setting and I have many theories on where the game is going, all of them feature Blastia as the main plot device.

Well, I'm surprised too but I don't mind Sword-fighting Princesses.

Here comes the Loli pirate. Wonder what's her character arc would be like...

Flynn! Yes! I'm fangirl-ing over him joining the team, and I'm a guy!

I see many problems with this line of thinking. (If you could kill someone, should you?)

Pokken: Pokemon Tournament (Demo)

Pokken is a game I was interested in for a while. The concept of a Tekken themed Pokemon game is amazing and the roster of it is not bad... I downloaded a bunch of Demos on my Switch last week and Pokken was one of them. The Demo gives you only 3 Main & 2 Support fighters to test the game with. It also has a limit of only 15 battles which is more than enough to test if you like the game but not enough to get a lasting enjoyment out of the Demo.

I ultimately decided this game is not for me. (I did like Pikachu however.) I won't buy the full game in the future, but I'm glad I tried Pokken after only watching it on YouTube for a years~

Pikachu works too good with Fighting game mechanics...

You can imagine how happy I was to see Charizard playable in this demo!

Wow! A Black Charizard! ...Wait, what?

So, that was my week!

I wish I have more time/motivation to write here on #HIVE. Lately, it feels I'm just wasting my time inside my comfort zone. A part of me I want to grow out of... Both July and August weren't very productive for me. I just hope September will be better~

What do you think? & How was your week?

Please post your screenshots and stories in comments, if you have any to share!

All screenshots are taken from respective games by me.
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