[ScreenShot Saturday] My Gaming Updates (Oct 24) - Being an Unlikely Care-Taker

This week featuring Ciel Fledge Demo and Tales of Vesperia DE.

Weekly updates on the games I play, fun stuff and the interesting screenshots I take. #ScreenshotSaturday is where I put a digest of my gaming through the week. (In GameDev scene, ScreenshotSaturday is a weekly event for developers to show their progress.)


So, this was unusually eventful week for me. Relatives visited! I introduced two of them to the amazing world of One Piece, by spoiling almost every arc in the first half of the story. They're too busy to get into anime so I doubt they'll have time for 900+ episodes of One Piece anytime soon...

I reignited some of my passion for Japanese learning, and I memorized more new words/phrases than I did in the past three months combined so I feel proud about that too! One of the things I done for that is Watching a Let's Play of Index IF completely in Japanese.

Finally, I played few games in between all that. Returned to my current(?) main RPG, played some SNES classics, and Demos! If God wills, I wanna write about those in the near future.

Ciel Fledge (DEMO)

-A Daughter Raising Simulator-

This is a game I heard about when it was first announced. I found the Princess-Maker-inspired idea interesting but I wasn't sure about its excution. Ciel Fledge is one of the games in my wishlist and when I found its Demo on Switch I downloaded to see it it's how I imagine it to be. Not Bad!

While I think the graphics side of the game could use some work. (All the character designs follow the same template.) The gameplay itself doesn't seem too bad. The system is complex because your actions decide how your adopted daughter becomes, but it doesn't feel too overwhelming despite the numbers. A good Demo for a game that needs one.

Yay, I suddenly became a Care Taker~

Nice change from the image above. Still feels basic, but I like it.

I wonder if Zahra has Arabian origins. Zahra means "Flower" in Arabic.

It seems that the demo shows everything about the gameplay though. The gameplay that gave Ciel Fledge very disappointing ratings.

Tales of Vesperia: Definitve Edition

This week marks my return to this game. I took a while to remember everything that happened in the story so far, and I didn't play a lot this week but I did capture some interesting screenshots.

Nice job explaining the scientific method. Senku (Dr. Stone) is proud!

Me neither...

It feels forever since I felt like Brave Vesperia~ Guess we're getting started!

I watched a video recently that this game doesn't offer anything new, it's very good but the only outstanding thing is Yuri's character... So far, I agree. This sums up ToV in the best way possible.

So, that was my week! How was yours?

I began increasingly using my name "Ahmad" as my player name in games. Why? Because I know I'm gonna take/post screenshots and wanted to make those as personal as possible... If I wasn't going to post screenshots online I would choose a random name for my player in each game. That's what I used to do~

All screenshots are taken from respective games by me.
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