[ScreenShot Saturday] My Gaming Updates (Oct 09) - A Writer's Nightmare or Something

This week featuring ALAN WAKE's American Nightmare and Tales of Vesperia.

Weekly updates on the games I play, fun stuff and the interesting screenshots I take. #ScreenshotSaturday is where I put a digest of my gaming through the week. (In GameDev scene, ScreenshotSaturday is a weekly event for developers to show their progress.)


Another week and another #ScreenshotSaturday. After being so late last week, I tried to make this post ready on time. The situation in my area got slightly better and if the trend continues, I'll be able to dedicate more time for gaming and writing new articles.

This week I continued Tales of Vesperia, for a bit and that was it. I did play other games but not long enough to form an opinion. In this week I also have screenshots of ALAN WAKE American Nightmare, but I played it a while ago, I just didn't play it for long to deserve its own post and I didn't write a screenshot post that week!

One thing I want to mention right now is that my Super Dragon Ball Heroes article a few days ago did way better than I expected. Thanks to everyone who voted!

ALAN WAKE's American Nightmare

I played this game last month, but I realized I haven't talked about it, (I didn't have a screenshot post that week,) so here we are!

This is one of the games I got for free on Epic Store. It sat in the backlog for a long time. I decided to purge my backlog by trying the games I'm least interested in. I started a few months ago, but the process was slow because of Libya Blackouts and the lack of free time. I gave games change according to how I'm interested in them so I gave Alan Wake, an hour or so...

I opened Alan Wake American Nightmare with zero expectations. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. It's good quality-wise, but not my type of the game in the end. I'll probably pick the next game from my backlog instead of finishing this one.

I found it interesting that the game is seemingly happens in the protagonist's dream, and he seems to fight his inner demons. The use of flashlight as a weapon is interesting and I was disappointed when I got the gun. I didn't play enough to check what this is about and by now I haven't checked the wiki to see if my assumptions were true.

I have respect for those who actually write for living.

"A strong dose of reality in this one..."

I lost many times at this part of the game: "Demons are scary!"

Tales of Vesperia

The story decided to pick up for real this time! I still like the characters and I find a new appreciation for Patty after learning a part of her backstory. (I look forward to her character's arc resolution!) It's hard to pick up screenshots that won't spoil too much of the story but here we go anyway~

It's kind of sad that Happiness is something she needed to learn. Foreshadowing?

How to politely destroy a man's self-esteem!

This town hides something, and I think it's crucial to the game's main plot!

So, that was my week. How was yours?

If you have some screenshots or stories to share? Please post them in comments. The screenshot @felipejoys posted last week made me feel happy inside! Thank you Joys! Thank you readers!

All screenshots are taken from respective games by me.
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