Clash of Clans Tutorial: How to Queen Walk Plus Bowler #1

Welcome to my first ever Clash of Clans article, this is about how I utilize a troop composition that is one of the most deadly in all of Clash of Clans, the Queen Walk.

Queen Walk is so versatile that you can combine it with almost any kind of troops, in this Queen Walk that I am going to show you I combined it with Bowlers. This troops' composition is so deadly that you have a good chance of achieving a one-star victory even if your clan castle is empty.

Here's how Queen Walk works...


Funneling is one of the most important aspects of Clash of Clans when attacking, with funneling you will be able to direct all your troops on the direction that you want.

Basically, if you want all your troops to traverse the center of the base you need to eliminate the structures on the left and right side of the base you are attacking.

In this Queen Walk variant that I am using I always use the Queen to take out the structures on the right or left side of the base, the Queen will be supported by 4-6 healers depending on the strength of the base.

And then I will be using 4-5 Bowlers on the other side of the base to take out all the structures, the Bowlers will be supported by 2-4 healers depending on the strength of the structures that they are going to destroy.

First Wave

After all of the structures on the left and right side of the base are destroyed the firs actual wave of the attack follows, it will begin with the deployment of Jump Spells, the Jump Spells will make all your troops go at the center of the base.

After the deployment of Jump Spells it will immediately be followed by the deployment of Battle Ram (1st), Barbarian King (second), and if available Royal Champion (third). I used Battle in case the Jump Spell runs out making sure that all of my troops will go to the center of the base.

Always deploy the Barbarian King and Royal Champions behind the Battle Ram.

Main Wave

After the deployment of Battle Ram, Barbarian King, and Royal Champion wait for all the defenses to target your Battle Ram or the Barbarian King, then you can deploy all your remaining troops, the Bowlers.

Royal Champion will target the nearest defense structure.

At this moment all your troops should have been deployed.

Rage Spell deployment

After deploying all your Bowlers wait for them to converge or group upon an area so that they are going to be covered by your Rage Spell. This will maximize the effect of Rage Spell on your troops.

Hero Ability Activation

I always activate the Warden's ability after activating the Barbarian King's ability so all of his spawned Barbabarians will be protected1

Queen and Royal Champion's ability activation will always be done when their health is near 25%. Of course, it also depends on the situation

TIP: I always begin my attack near the Eagle Artillery or the Town Hall.

That's all for now, see you guys later.

I am an I.T. professional (Computer Engineer) working in a private company, a blogger, a father, and a husband.

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