Far Cry 3: Escaping from Vaas Montenegro


Hello gamers,

Hopefully, you all are doing well. You know I am recently playing Assassin's Creed and also shared some of my gameplay videos on hive. I have played Far Cry 3 before and thought that why not sharing some gameplay clips on hive. For that purpose, I started the game from the very beginning to share on hive.

Enjoy my gameplay and walkthrough.

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  • In the very beginning, I (Jason) and some of my friends and brothers were chilling at the sea beach and enjoying our time carelessly. We were having fun and drinking.

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  • After that we planned to skydive. All of us participated in this. We jumped from the plane together.

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  • Suddenly I woke up being a hostage to the Vaas Montenegro who is a leader of a pirate group. Then I remembered we had an accident. I along with my brother Grant were tied up by the gang of the pirates. Vaas was shouting at us saying "You boys think you're crazy, huh? Jumping out of airplanes, flying like birds? Fuck... That is crazy. I like this phone. This is a nice fucking phone."

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  • Grant and I were tied up. We were also jailed inside a jail made of bamboo. The bamboos were tied up by the ropes. Vaas continuously shouted at us. Suddenly a member of the pirate gang came up and told to the Vass to stop scaring the hostages and take care of the rejects! After that Vaas went out. Grant was trying to untie the rope and he successfully did that. Then he untied me.

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  • We called the watchman and as soon as he came near to us, Grant attacked him and killed him. I asked him how he did that. He said he was an ex-military person in the USA Army and he learned it there. After that Grant unlocked the bamboo cage and we got free. At that time our only mission was to escape that place and finding my other friends and brothers.

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  • After coming out from the cage we carefully tried to escape the place by crawling. The first scene I got was two hanging men. Their family might refused to pay money to the pirates. The pirates hanged two men and there was a light nearby. The scene was scary to me. But I had to escape the place. I shouldn't be afraid, otherwise, we would be caught again and the pirates would have hanged us too. We carefully went towards it by crawling and making literally no sound.

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  • In this place, two pirates were having drinks and talking to each other. We carefully passing them so that they couldn't notice us. The game informed me to press C button to crouch so that the pirates couldn't see us. Also it reduces the noise.

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  • In this place, a pirate was making their meal. He was cutting and preparing three wild boars. The boars were too big. They are also ferocious too.

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  • After passing a long distance, we finally reached a house where we find several equipment on the table. There were some devices, a map and a camera. Grant took a knife. He told me to pick these equipment as we might need them in the jungle. The game informed me to press and hold E button on the keyboard to take the equipment. I took all of them and we left the house immediately. I took a tablet, a mobile, a lighter, a map and a camera.

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  • After reaching this place, there was a pirate guarding the place. We hide after the well. There was a light near the pirate. Our way is blocked by him. We needed to distract him so that we could pass the place. Grant told me to throw a stone. I picked up a stone and threw it to another place. The pirate heard the sound and he went to check it. In the meantime, we passed the place by entering a house from the window.

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  • After entering the house from the window, we noticed a pirate was sitting inside the house. Immediately Grant threw a knife to the pirate and the knife hit his throat. The pirate was dead. I felt scared by this killing as I was not used to. Grant helped me to relax by saying that our only mission is to escape this place.

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  • After reaching this place, we were hiding inside a weed garden. There were two pirates guarding the place and they blocked our path. Grant again told me to throw a stone to distract them. I took a stone a threw it and distracted them. After that we escaped the place immediately.

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  • In this place, we were close to escape this place. We were passing a wooden bridge. The pirates were busy with their work.

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  • After a long time, we successfully got the exit point of this place. But can we successfully escape this place? To know, keep reading my upcoming articles.

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This is Adv Akiz. Hopefully, you enjoyed my article. If you enjoy my article, consider following me. You can also subscribe to my youtube channel. I will keep posting my gaming videos on hive. And don't forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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