Don't Starve Together but instead I starve alone

Hello friends, Im back with another game I recently bought on Steam: Dont Starve Together! I bought it to play with my friends, but I thought I'd try it first :P


For those who have never heard of the game, Dont Starve Together is a survival/adventure game where you, the player, tries to survive in a world where everything tries to kill you. To quote my friend: "It's like Minecraft, but the pigs fight back." And it is really hard for a new player like myself to survive.

My first few games ended fairly quickly, before I even had a chance to take any screenshots or videos. I died to many, many things. My first game, I died to a frog while trying to pick berries near its pond. "A frog couldn't do that much damage, right?" I thought to myself, seconds before it decimated me. Oh, did I mention that your world gets reset if everyone on it dies? Yes that's a thing. Hardcore Minecraft vibes much.

So yeah, I didn't even last a day on my first game. I continued straight to my second game, and THIS TIME I didn't immediately die, which is good progress. Soon, I lasted through the day, until night came.
In this game, you will get killed at night by the darkness (and its monster) unless you have a light source to keep the darkness at bay. If you stay in complete darkness, it attacks you with 100 damage per hit, hitting every 10 seconds or so. For context, most characters have around 150 health, meaning you die in 2 hits. Being the noob I was, I fumbled with crafting a torch, causing me to get it once by the darkness. Thankfully I didn't die, but I was pretty darn low. So I ate all my food, trying to restore my health.


This is how the night monster looks, according to the wiki. Her name is Charlie, and there's some lore around her as well. We never see her in game though, since she's basically, y'know, the night.

Next day, I continued exploring. I found a ton of resources, but I was lacking one thing. Food. You see, there are 3 meters you have to maintain in this game: Hunger, Health and Sanity.

Hunger: Depletes as time passes
Health: Depletes when hit, or when hunger is 0. Also depletes when eating spoilt food
Sanity: Depletes when in contact with monsters, eating spoilt food, etc

You might have remembered me eating all my food to restore my health just now. You see, in this game not all foods restore health. They restore the 3 stats I mentioned just now. Some only restore 1 stat, like Sanity or hunger, while others can restore 2, or all 3. All the food I had on me were Berries, and they only restored hunger. SO I basically wasted all my food by eating them on full hunger. I was getting pretty hungry at this point, so I ran around finding food. Unfortunately I was in a sort of desert-y biome, and all that were around me were boulders. I saw this Suspicious Dirt Pile on the ground, that turned into an Animal Track when I interacted with it, so I thought I could track it down and kill it, then eat it. So I did track it down, and found a Koalefant.


It looked so cute I almost didn't hunt it. ALMOST. Looking back that would probably be the smart move, because it absolutely trashed me. Sooooo yeah that was my second death. There were probably a ton of ways I could have not starved in that situation, and unfortunately I hadn't learnt the combat of this game yet. It is possible to not take damage when fighting, but you have to learn the attack patterns of the monsters. Here's a little GIF from the Don't Starve wiki:

(Not sure if the GIF works, it looks a bit broken to me from time to time, sorry in advance if you cant see it D:)

After those games I decided this aint it, so I went and watched some Dont Starve Together videos on Youtube xD. Some of them gave very helpful tips, such as the 'F' key allows you to attack the closest animal/monster, and what food is the easiest to cook but fills more hunger, which foods are good for healing, etc.

Armed with my newfound knowledge, I entered a new game with my friends. The 2 of them have both clocked more than 50 hours in the game, so they definitely knew what they were doing, for the most part. After a few hours of gameplay, and a few server rollbacks later (yeah I didn't know that was a thing too xD, apparently the world saves after every night so you can just rollback, rip those worlds I abandoned), we finally managed to survive until day 30/31. This is a special day, as the first boss will be spawning in the world. THE DEERCLOPS.


This derpy looking creature is actually pretty scary for a new player like me. Firstly, its humongous, and it stomps its way to your base on day 30/31. All you hear is the inevitable footsteps of this beast getting louder and louder, and you know deep down that you aint prepared for this guy 😱

Secondly, one of his attacks is laser eyes. which looks pretty cool, and is pretty deadly too. I straight up couldn't even dodge it and died to it a few times.

Lastly, it breaks anything that comes into its path, including trees, bushes, etc... and also your base. That means you can't run back to base while fighting it or you risk losing your entire base. That also means you can't go back and restock or else you bring the Deerclops back home with you 😂 For a newbie like me, that was really bad, because I'm pretty bad at combat, and need to restock on food for healing pretty often. Thankfully I had my friends to help me distract the Deerclops while I went back and restocked.

Even then, we weren't able to kill it at all. We tried for over an hour, even tried to lead it to other mobs in hopes that they would help us kill this abomination. However, it backfired and we got wiped out my the mobs instead. None of us also knew how to kite this guy so we didn't kill him, unfortunately. We stopped our gaming session there too, after 5 hours of gameplay. Hopefully next time we play we'll be able to defeat him. I've read a few guides during this time so I feel more confident facing him now 😅

Cover Image from Steam's starting page of Don't Starve Together
All other Images/GIFs from the Dont Starve wiki

That's all from me today, thank you for reading!

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