"Welcome Back” Original Piano Composition - Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 21


I am actually glad I got sick. Because it forced me to force myself to sit down at the piano again and try and compose something new. I won’t let a cold or a raspy throat and some coughing and sneezing stop me from being consistent in the Vibes Competition.

I honestly love performing live amongst all of you talented people and many of you are a source of creative inspiration for me to be better in all aspects of my musical expressions. Piano playing is definitely needing some more quality practice time. I want to dedicate more time to some ideas I have that I want to build on the keys, so we will see where that takes us.


Real quick, before I forget to mention it. Just last week I was doing a late night walk through in my neighborhood and I stumbled upon a brand new acoustic guitar in a guitar case just laying up against a wall. It was next to some boxes of free stuff being given away. I don’t know if it was a mistake or not, but needless to say, there was no number or address on the guitar case and nobody in sight to claim the instrument so it looks like I am about to start learning guitar again. What little I did learn by myself I quickly forgot it all. That would be cool to enter into the competition with a somewhat decent entry of some guitar strumming lol. But if it sounds like trash, don’t expect to see any guitar entry from me. Haha.


For now just enjoy the piano playing that I can offer up this week. And for next week I will be back into full force of Hip Hop Flows and ear-worm catchy soulfully sung hooks. Appreciate you all.

God has truly gifted me with the gift of music with which I gift back to you all, and I hope you can take something positive from it and get a glimpse into my soul with each new verse and song idea I release.
God bless you all, may He receive the glory.

Gospel Musician/Rapper/Singer/Songwriter & Official Vibes Judge

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