Sing karaoke live on Tik Tok


Hello friends, good afternoon, how are you all friends, are you okay? I pray that all of your friends are in good health. Singing is one of my hobbies that has been around for a very long time since I was little, from elementary school. I have loved singing until now I have become a which is mature even though my first post in this community is a new trader and I saw the content was a collection of music and song content.
Almost every day I do live streaming on the Tik Tok application and what I do is sing karaoke with requests from my flowers and I really like them. They receive me with a happy heart and they are entertained by the singing that I do.
As an initial post in this large community, I am ready to share some pictures, namely pictures of me doing karaoke to my flower flower according to the songs he requested. Here are some pictures, I hope friends like my first post in this great communication and to friends, happy singing on this bright night.



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