Vibes Web 3 Music Competition Week 19 | Cover "La Bikina" by @nellynohemi ESP/ENG


Un cordial saludo a todos los amigos de esta Comunidad de Vibes Web 3 y a todos Hive en general que siempre visitan y apoyan mis presentaciones. Para esta Gran competencia Musical de la semana nro 19. Hoy les interpretaré la canción titulada "La Bikina" versionadas en diferentes ritmos y por diferentes grandes cantantes, hoy la traigo en género de mariachi. Esperando puedan disfrutarla.

La Bikina es un clásico de la música mexicana, su autor es Rubén Fuentes y fué escrita en 1964. Su letra evoca la admiración y melancolía hacia una mujer orgullosa y solitaria.

Agradecida con todos ustedes por la atención prestada a mi entrada de la semana y por tomarse el tiempo en dejar sus comentarios, sugerencias y gran apoyo. Dios los bendiga.

Los videos e imágenes usados en este video son libres de derecho de autor y los pueden encontrar en el siguiente link:


El editaje y montaje de este video fué realizado por mi hijo Carlos Funes.

El video fué grabado por un teléfono Redmi 9A y la aplicación Inshot.

A warm greeting to all the friends of this Vibes Web 3 Community and to all Hive in general who always visit and support my presentations. For this Great Musical Competition of Week #19. Today I will perform the song titled "La Bikina" covered in different rhythms and by different great singers, today I bring it in the mariachi genre. Hoping you can enjoy it.

La Bikina is a classic of Mexican music, its author is Rubén Fuentes and it was written in 1964. Its lyrics evoke admiration and melancholy towards a proud and lonely woman.

Thankful to all of you for the attention paid to my entry of the week and for taking the time to leave your comments, suggestions and great support. God bless you.

The videos and images used in this video are free of copyright and can be found at the following link:


The editing and assembly of this video was done by my son Carlos Funes.

The video was recorded by a Redmi 9A phone and the Inshot app.


La Bikina

Solitaria, camina la bikina
La gente se pone a murmurar
Dicen que tiene una pena
Dicen que tiene una pena que la hace llorar

Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Pasa luciendo su real majestad
Pasa, camina, los mira sin verlos jamás

La bikina
Tiene pena y dolor
La bikina
No conoce el amor

Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Dicen que alguien ya vino y se fue
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él

La bikina
Tiene pena y dolor
La bikina
No conoce el amor

Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Dicen que alguien ya vino y se fue
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él

Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él

The bikini girl walks alone
People start to murmur
They say she has a sorrow
They say she has a sorrow that makes her cry

Arrogant, beautiful and proud
She doesn't allow anyone to console her
She walks by showing off her royal majesty
She walks by, she looks at them without ever seeing them

The bikini girl
She has sorrow and pain
The bikini girl
She doesn't know love

Arrogant, beautiful and proud
She doesn't allow anyone to console her
They say someone has already come and gone
They say she spends the nights crying for him

The bikini girl
She has sorrow and pain
The bikini girl
She doesn't know love

Arrogant, beautiful and proud
She doesn't allow anyone to console her
They say someone has already come and gone
They say she spends the nights crying for him

They say she spends the nights crying for him
They say she spends the nights crying for him



WhatsApp Image 2024-02-07 at 1.38.22 PM.jpeg

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