Hive Vibes Web 3 Music Competition Week 21 || A Cover of "Lord I give you my heart" [Eng/Esp]


Hello friends of the vibes web 3 music community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you to my blog on this occasion of the week 21 of the vibes web 3 music competition. The community is growing and growing and its amazing seeing lots of talents that challenge one to grow.

In this week, I present a song titled "Lord I give you my heart". This is a song by Hillsong but originally by Reuben Morgam. It is a song of total surrender to God. A submission of one's will to God to take charge.
This is the kind of song that Christians of today need to learn how to sing and indeed sing it with all seriousness because the world today has made many persons lose sight of who they are and who they ought to be. The quest for wealth and fame and importance in the society seem to be the pursuit of every soul and hardly is found that person that is ready to dedicate all his life to God.

This song inspired me these days and I played it over over and over again and I thought of presenting it here to share with us all. Dear friends, surrender yourself to God let Him take care of you.

I make this cover with love and passion and I hope that you would find it enriching. Thanks for coming around and for your support.

I Give You My Heart"
(originally by Reuben Morgan)

This is my desire to honor You
Lord, with all my heart, I worship You
All I have within me, I give You praise
All that I adore is in You

Lord, I give You my heart
I give You my soul, I live for You alone
Every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake
Lord, have Your way in me

This is my desire to honor You
Lord, with all my heart, I worship You
All I have within me, I give You praise
All that I adore is in You

Lord, I give You my heart
I give You my soul, I live for You alone
Every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake
Lord, have Your way in me

And I will live
And I will live for You
And I will live
And I will live for You

Oh and I will live
And I will live
And I will live for You

Lord, I give You my heart
I give You my soul, I live for You alone
Every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake
Lord, have Your way in me

The Promotional Video On X


Hola amigos de la comunidad musical vibes web 3, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida a mi blog en esta ocasión de la semana 21 del concurso musical vibes web 3. La comunidad está creciendo y creciendo y es sorprendente ver tantos talentos que desafían a uno a crecer.


En esta semana les presento una canción titulada "Señor te entrego mi corazón". Esta es una canción de Hillsong pero originalmente de Reuben Morgam. Es un canto de entrega total a Dios. Una sumisión de la voluntad de uno a Dios para que se haga cargo.

Este es el tipo de canción que los cristianos de hoy necesitan aprender a cantar y, de hecho, cantarla con toda seriedad porque el mundo de hoy ha hecho que muchas personas pierdan de vista quiénes son y quiénes deben ser. La búsqueda de riqueza, fama e importancia en la sociedad parece ser la búsqueda de cada alma y difícilmente se encuentra esa persona que esté dispuesta a dedicar toda su vida a Dios.

Esta canción me inspiró estos días y la escuché una y otra vez y pensé en presentarla aquí para compartirla con todos nosotros. Queridos amigos, entréguense a Dios y dejen que Él cuide de ustedes.

Hago esta portada con amor y pasión y espero que la encuentres enriquecedora. Gracias por venir y por su apoyo.

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