VIBES Web3 Music Competition Week 3: "Fairy and the 'Fly" (Original - Dark Fairytale to Music!)

Hello everybody on HIVE, and especially the Vibes Community. My name is Jasper, and I'm writing (and singing) to you from France (I usually live in South Africa)! Welcome to Week 3 of the Vibes Web3 Music Competition!

The song that I’m singing this week is an original song I wrote when I was an engineering student back in about 2006. I think it’s the oldest original song that I still play, or to be blunt, the first song I wrote that I think is any good! Hahaha!

This song is a fairytale I wrote and put to music, and so it is quite unique compared to other songs I wrote that came later, (and I hope to share with you if the Vibes Web3 music competition continues)! It is not a happy fairytale, as it deals with the theme of self-sacrifice.

It is interesting to note that since I wrote this song, I have had some therapy. One of the things I have managed to work out about myself is that I suffer a bit from being a “rescuer”/”white knight”. This means that I try to help people, and worry about them, often to the detriment of myself. I do this not just because I am a nice person, but because I’m trying to validate myself as a good person too… and I long for acceptance from other people instead of having strong self-esteem.

Unfortunately in the real world, you cannot “save/rescue” people until they are ready, so a lot of this self-sacrifice and worry about other people doesn’t even do them any good, while it continues to take a lot out of me. And so this is a “shadow” that I need to consciously look out for… It’s funny how I wrote this song years before I worked this all out… and so I keep playing the song to remind myself that I could become the “dragonfly” character in the song if I don’t consciously stop myself “pouring from an empty cup”.

The really sad thing is that as you get more and more depressed and anxious because of other people’s problems, your perception becomes more dark, and you start to see problems that aren’t even really there, and blow things out of proportion… so that these things can get worse until you stop them!

Ah well, I hope you like my fairytale song! Thank you for listening!

My submission link:

Lyrics to “Fairy and the ‘Fly” by @jasperdick (original)

Let me tell you a story, I wonder if you know
About a fairy family, who lived a long time ago
Father was a rich man, mother was covered in gold
Daughter, she was so gorgeous, her eyes cut deep down in your soul...

A band of trolls came into the forest, on a night that was bitterly cold
They'd heard of the fairy family, they'd heard of all of the gold
That night they sprang into action, that night there was blood to be spilled
Though father, he begged them for mercy, both he and fairy mother were killed...

And as for fairy daughter, the trolls did terrible things
They abandoned her in a swamp, after tearing off both of her wings
With a bleeding back she fainted, she was certain that she would soon die
But she woke up to find herself in the house of a kind dragonfly

Dragonfly said "I'll give you food, and I'll worship you all of my life"
"Fairy daughter you are so pretty, won't you please be my wife?"
"But you're an ugly beast!" said the daughter, "and I don't care for all of your things"
"Never again will I truly be happy, until I have a new pair of wings!"

The next morning she found the 'fly, had hung himself with spider's thread
And through the tears in her eyes fairy daughter saw that her saviour was really dead
He'd left a note explaining how because they'd never exchange any rings
He'd killed himself, now with a knife and a spell, she could help herself to his wings

Well you're my fairy daughter
And I'm your dragonfly
Because you would not love me
I hang my head and I... I cry...

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