Vibes Web3 music competition week 15: you say by Lauren Diagle

"You say" is a song by Gospel artist "Lauren Daigle" from the album "Look up child", it was released in 2018.

When I found out this week has no theme, I immediately wanted to sing a gospel song and I chose "you say" by "Lauren Daigle" because it's a really relatable song.

It's been a rollercoaster ride for me these past few weeks to a month and I've been feeling neglected and unloved by the people around me and even struggling to find my identity but this song reminds me of who I am in God

You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am half when I am falling short
When I don't belong, oh you say I am yours
And I believe....
Oh I believe...
What you say of me, I believe

This lyrics should reminded us of who we are in God and all that comes with being in Christ so even when it doesn't feel like it makes sense and we feel like we've lost our identity again, I pray we remember these words and find our footing again.

Kindly engage and drop feedbacks...thank you 😊

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