🎷 Vibes Week 8 - Music Competition🎷 UNCHAINED MELODY (esp/ing)

Un fraternal saludo a todos los artistas que integran la comunidad de Vibes en Hive para mí es un placer poder participar por primera vez en este concurso y compartir la música con todos ustedes, para los que no me conocen me llamo Edgardo Rodríguez y mi usuario es @edgardsaxo y soy saxofonista de Venezuela.
Me llamo mucho la atención el género que plantearon para esta semana, música de los 60s. Un género muy rico que nos a dejado un legado con un sin fin de agrupación que marcaron un hito historia, en primer lugar pensé en hacer música de los beatles Pero ya algunos compañeros habian presentado los temas que conocia, otros temas que recordé eran de los años 50 y 40.

A fraternal greeting to all the artists who make up the community of Vibes en Hive for me it is a pleasure to participate for the first time in this contest and share music with all of you, for those who do not know me my name is Edgardo Rodriguez and my user is @edgardsaxo and I am a saxophonist from Venezuela.
I was very interested in the genre that you proposed for this week, music from the 60s. A very rich genre that has left us a legacy with an endless number of groups that marked a milestone in history, first I thought of doing music of the beatles but some colleagues had already presented the songs that I knew, other songs that I remembered were from the 50s and 40s.

UNCHAINED MELODY / Unchained melody

la verdad es que estaba muy indeciso de que cancion escoger para participar por que es mi primera vez en y no queria causar una mala impresion, como les dije anteriormente los temas que me sabia son del los años 40 y 50 pero al investigar un tema que me parecio muy hermoso presentarlo, me di cuenta que apesar que es de 1955 se popularizo en 1965 una decada despues al ser grabada por The Righteous Brothers un duo norteamericano de california que grabo este hermoso tema que les presento hoy "UNCHAINED MELODY" a mi pensar la cancion se termino popularizar en los 90 al utilizala como tema de la pelicula GHOST.

the truth is that I was very undecided of which song to choose to participate because it is my first time in and I did not want to make a bad impression, as I said before the themes that I knew are from the 40's and 50's but when researching a theme that seemed very beautiful to me to present it, I realized that although it is from 1955 it became popular in 1965 a decade later when it was recorded by The Righteous Brothers, an American duo from California that recorded this beautiful theme that I present today, I realized that even though it is from 1955 it became popular in 1965 a decade later when it was recorded by The Righteous Brothers an American duo from California who recorded this beautiful song that I present today "UNCHAINED MELODY" to my mind the song became popular in the 90's when it was used as the theme song for the movie GHOST.

Como dato curiosos esta cancion fue escrita para una pelicula Unchained de 1955 y la musica fue escrita por Alex North con letras de Hy Zaret, y ocupa el puesto de 365 de las 500 canciones de todos los tiempos sin nombrar la cantidad de premios que a tenido a nivel mundial.

As a curious fact this song was written for a movie Unchained of 1955 and the music was written by Alex North with lyrics by Hy Zaret, and ranks 365 of the 500 songs of all time without naming the number of awards it has had worldwide.

para mi es un honor estar compartiendo buena musica con ustedes, espero que mi presentacion haya sido de su agrado.

for me it is an honor to be sharing good music with you, I hope that my presentation has been to your liking.


# 🎷🎷🎷🎷🎺@edgardsaxo🎺🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷
cada dia es una oportunidad para crear, expresarnos y crecer
Every day is an opportunity to create, express ourselves and grow.

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