Let's Take A Look At Have A Nice Death

Have A Nice Death is a procedurally generated roguelite side scroller.

You take up the role of Death. Hacking and slashing your way through Death Incorpated.

Some of the characters you meet along the way are funny and witty. You have your pumpkin headed assistant called Pump Quinn who offers words of help throughout the game.

As you progress you meet some interesting bosses who you try your best to take down.

Each run that ends in failure brings you back to the beginning. The benefit of failure is each one allows you to start the next run with a little more experience in the game and hopefully, do the next run with some cool items.

I am currently playing it on Xbox through the Game Pass. It reminds me alot of Dead Cells, which is a top tier game that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys a tough game.

I am a few hours in with way too many failures to tell!

I highly recommend Have A Nice Death if you get the chance to play it.

Image from:https://www.ign.com/articles/have-a-nice-death-review

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