What to expect from Halving.

What will happen this weekend with the Bitcoin Halving? That's the million dollar question we all want to know.
Of course it is something that no one knows and if anyone tells you otherwise they are lying.

It is clear that the halving of Bitcoin mining rewards is a long-term positive for the currency as it generates less selling pressure on Bitcoin. Another very different thing is whether that will generate short-term buying pressure as has happened on other occasions.

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They say there are no 2 without 3 but I'm not so sure. Bitcoin is now a much more mature investment, it even has ETFs. The markets have already given him the go-ahead to invest. Although it is clear that its adoption still has a long way to go, it is clear that Bitcoin is a well-known but little-used currency.
If we believe in the thesis that it will behave like any other investment asset then we can think that the Halving rise is already discounted. If on the other hand we believe that it still maintains its original behavior then we can expect another bullish rally.

Be that as it may, we will see next week. What is clear is that in the long term it is a bullish asset and that any investor should have even a small part of their portfolio in Bitcoin. And I would dare to say that also in other cryptocurrencies if you don't want to miss the train of the next decades.
Happy Halving everyone!

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