How long will it take for Bitcoin to surpass Gold?

Yes, friends, the question is very direct, how long will it take for the Bitcoin market to surpass the Gold market?
Forgive me, Gold stackers, but I'm assuming that Bitcoin will outperform Gold.

This may seem like a somewhat bold question since the Bitcoin market is approximately 1 Billion Dollars and the Gold market is about 12 Billion Dollars. So it's only a tenth at present but it can be said that Bitcoin has already come part of the way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Gold, I always have been and I have a little bit stored up, but I think Bitcoin can surpass it as a store of value. The Gold market is an older market with much lower volatility but with lower expectations than Bitcoin.

The key for me is in adoption. Gold has been considered a reserve of value for a long time and has a very wide acceptance, therefore its potential in this regard is very small. In other words, it is difficult for it to grow.
Bitcoin, for its part, has a much lower adoption. Right now it is beginning to be seen as a reserve of value but a lot of volatility continues to be attributed to it. However, its acceptance is advancing by leaps and bounds and as proof of this we can see the approval of ETFs this year. It has also been able to create an industry around it, the cryptomarket, which is in full expansion. Bitcoin has the advantage that, being a digital asset, it can be owned by everyone and in very small quantities. In this it is similar to Gold, we all have jewelry, but the difference is that it is much easier to transmit to many more people.

In any case, not everything is lost for Gold in this battle because it could always be tokenized, in fact it already is. If this option becomes popular, perhaps he can keep the throne.

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