Explore Natural Beauty and Adventures in Villa Carlos Paz

Located in the province of Córdoba, Villa Carlos Paz is a beautiful tourist spot located in the middle of the mountains, whose charm lies not only in its landscape but also in the numerous recreational activities it offers to its visitors.

There are many things to visit such as the San Roque Dam or the Cu-Cú Clock. Also the Monument to the Cross and Lake San Roque that leave spectacular views that will remain in the visitor's memory.

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To enjoy the sun, in Villa Carlos Paz you can have access to tempting beaches such as those found on the San Antonio River or the El Diquecito spa on the Los Chorrillos stream. Without a doubt, the beach most chosen by visitors are those of Lake San Roque, also ideal for practicing water sports.

In addition, you can discover the nature of the Cordoba landscape through adventure tourism, trekking, mountain biking and climbing are some of the most seductive options. Meanwhile, if you want something with less difficulty, it is advisable to take a tour of the panoramic balconies that will allow you to admire the city from above.

Recreational complexes are a good alternative to spend the day with the family. The Aerosilla Complex, Peko's, Museum of Natural Sciences and the Magic Mountain, a kind of roller coaster over the Cordoban mountains, are the most notable.

To take home a souvenir from your visit, there is nothing better than going to the Paseo de los Artesanos, in the Plaza de la Cultura.

Regarding the gastronomic offer of the place, the Trattoría Il Gato is one of the most distinguished restaurants. It is located on Av. Libertad and Belgrano - Villa Carlos Paz.

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