Do you have a Bitcoin?

Today I wanted to do an article a little different from the ones I usually do and talk a little about the mental effect of challenges and cryptocurrencies.
Yes, it sounds a little complicated but it is not and as soon as I explain it to me you will understand.
Today I was reading an article that talked about Charlie Shrem and his opinion on Bitcoin. In it he made reference to a club, theoretically of course, of holders of 1 complete Bitcoin and how complicated it would be to access it.

This made me reflect on how I started in the crypto market. That goal that Charlie Shrem talks about was my goal to have a complete Bitcoin. And I'm not talking about having $43,000 to buy it, but about owning the entire Bitcoin.
It is easy to deduce that the maximum and optional number of people who could belong to that club is 21 million. We all know that the amount is lower due to many circumstances.
Then reflection leads us to realize that even today it is difficult to own a complete Bitcoin and that if many people really wanted this it would make Bitcoin have an unimaginable price.

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I will give an example, only in the United States it is estimated that more than 22 million people have 1 million dollars. It is clear that not everyone could own a Bitcoin. But according to a Credit Suisse study, there are more than 60 million people in the world who have 1 million dollars.

All these figures show us that even wanting to have a complete Bitcoin is really difficult. What would happen if a non-financial mental desire to possess it appeared, what would its price then be? Would there be a price?

And of course, out of curiosity, do you have a complete Bitcoin?

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