Coimbra, culture and nature on the banks of the Mondego River

There are so many incredible things and places to visit in Portugal that today I wanted to make a brief recommendation about a destination that I loved on my last trip.
Another day with more time I would like to do an extensive article in which to share all the secrets of this wonderful destination.

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In the center of Portugal and on the banks of the Mondego River we find the city of Coimbra, an essential cultural destination.
Coimbra is a very picturesque city. Its narrow streets, medieval arches and large number of stairs make up the typical urban postcard. History, art and architecture are protagonists in Coimbra.

Among the monuments that you should not miss are: the building of the old university with its historic tower, the Chapel of San Miguel, the Puerta and Arco de Almedina, the Arcos del Jardín and a large number of museums.
In addition, the Mondego River is a natural attraction worth taking advantage of. A boat ride is usually the best way to enjoy the area, because from the water you can see: the Santa Clara Bridge, the Plaza de la Canción and the Reina Isabel Bridge.

In Coimbra it is impossible to get bored, at every step we have an attraction. For example, we can visit the Botanical Garden, the Manuel Braga Natural Park and the pedestrian circuit with its impressive bridges.

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