Bitcoin may enter a bullish spiral.

Bitcoin may enter an upward spiral with the latest events. Beyond the unfortunate events of the last few days in the US, it is increasingly clear that Donald Trump will be the next president.
In recent months, Trump has shown himself to be in favor of cryptocurrencies and this is something important for the market. Although we always have to keep in mind that politicians change their position very quickly.

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But Trump is also in favor of reducing taxes and this is another thing that could favor the market. If we also add that the chances of the Federal Reserve lowering rates are increasingly higher, we can have a very favorable second half of the year.

I know that many will think that none of this can be true, but what is certain is that the market always moves by expectations and the expectations of the last few weeks are really very favorable.
The market has been bullish for just over a year and in recent months it has seen a consolidation that could be the prelude to another shockwave that would take Bitcoin above $100K.

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