Talent Tuesday|| A Demonstration of Hope, Rebirth And Happiness.

We all have our different ways of reacting to the loss of a loved one. Some people go all out, crying and wailing. While others take the loss in good faith, shed tears in hidden corners and then move along with their lives. This doesn't mean that the latter grief less or that the former grief more.


Today is Tuesday and @freecomopliments introduced the #talenttuesday. You can check this post out for the gist. A friend of mine recently lost a loved one and for some reason I feel very sad too. I thought of paying this friend a visit but visiting a grieving person empty handed isn't a very nice gesture. With that, the idea of making a painting was birthed.


I am not an artist per say but sometimes, I play around with colours and beautiful artworks are created. So far, I think I have shared only three of my artworks on hive and this would be my fourth. Yeaah.


This artwork is supposed to signify hope , rebirth and happiness. Initially, I thought of using purple colour to make the flower but yellow colour seems and looks more hopeful so I opted to use that. With that, I made a sunflower cosmos flower.


For this piece of art, I decided to try something different. I realized that whenever I try so hard to make an artwork look a particular way(perfect), there would always be a flaw but when I go with the flow, beautiful pieces are created. For instance, there was a time I tried using brushes to paint palm trees with so much stilt but the palm trees still came out looking terrible, but when I used broom sticks instead of brushes, the palm trees came out really pretty. So, instead of using brushes to make the flower, I used cotton buds; yes! The one people use in cleaning their ears.


With the cotton buds, I made the flower and from there, I went ahead to make the stems with green colors. What is a flower without a stem? After making the stems, I tried making grasses too. I do not know if they look like real grasses, what do you think?

I chose a dark background for this artworks as I was working with a bright color–yellow. This is to ensure that the yellow colour stand out.


With that, I came to the end of my artwork. I tried my best to keep this artwork simple and colourful. This way, the message of hope, rebirth and happiness would be properly portrayed.

This post is made in response to the theme #talenttuesday. I would totally love to hear your views and suggestions. Would such a painting put a smile on your face? Is there anything I could have added or subtracted?

All images are mine and were captured with my mobile device except stated otherwise.

With love, wongi ✨

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