Happy Solstice From The White Light Express!

Today, we celebrate the Winter Solstice here in the northern hemisphere.

This marks the shortest day of the year, as well as the turning of the light as from this point forward the days will gradually get longer, between now and the Summer Solstice in June.


We observed this day with the lighting of candles on the White Light Express altar, and then by walking our backyard labyrinth.

This particular Labyrinth has as its theme Happy Endings and happy beginnings.

The meditation as we walked today, was on gratitude for the good things we have experienced during the past year, and looking forward with optimism to the year ahead.


It has been a challenging year for many of us, facing both strife and unrest in the world, as well as economic struggles closer to home.

Perhaps the most important quality we humans have is that of Hope.

When we have hope and set our positive focused intention on what we want to have improve in our lives, doors open and many things become possible.


This is the time of the year when many cultures around the world celebrate with their own respective Festivals of Light.

Wherever you may be, and whatever your circumstances may be, we hope you find a a few moments to reflect with gratitude, and to genuinely nurture your hopes for the path ahead!

Let us be reminded that if we can visualize a better future, we have already taken the first step towards that future.

Thanks for visiting, and Bright Blessings to all!

We appreciate your visit to these pages and wish Bright Blessings to All!

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The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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In addition to our blog here on HIVE, you can also find us on the White Light Express web site, on our verified Facebook page and on our twitter feed.

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