Spend more time with Family and use Phones less

As we all know that using phones now are very common in a family whether in they are in their room, kitchen, living, or literally anywhere. Most of the times, phones were convenient to use like when there is an emergency, chatting with friends, or related about work but how about in family time? Do I think using phones are needed when it is family time?


My answer for that question is yes and no. Yes, phones can be used as taking photos and serve as a memories that they build together in that moment that they can always treasure it in the future and also if there are something urgent that may happen that will always be prioritize because that's really urgent. And NO, because it will usually distract the moment together as a family. Family time is one of the best thing that we can imagine because that's what makes a close family and a bonding time together.

Limiting of usage of phones in a family time is one of the best option that I prefer but why? I would say that that there may be times that phones are needed in a family like taking a flashlight to find something or anything else that will not destroy the family bonding. We can also use phones as one of the family time like playing games together using phones, or other things that are related to phones but not use it for personal use or when one of the family member is bored and use it for themselves.


As of now, my family uses phones every day of the week and we always use phones to kill time, for work, or for entertainment. Maybe, I could implement to lessen of using phones while having a family time because family is what matter most and not for phone time. We can always use our phones when we want to.

Most of the times, my family used our own phones during meals like breakfast time, lunch time, and even dinner time. I think it's better to not use phones during meals because we can interact with each other while having our meal just like the old times when phones were not famous before, we eat together as a family and if someone is missing, we will call their names because we will prioritize on eating our meals together than eating one by one. At that time, we have a bonding together and talk about the anything we want to talk that we can relate in that mealtime.


Today, we are using our phones during mealtime and I think that is really bad because we don't have family time and we only focused on using on our phones like watching videos, movies, reading news while eating. That may be the wall that our family bonding and memories are gone, I think the best way is to talk with my wife about family time and limiting of using of phones. I know that this is hard to do because it's not what we used to do but a small step of bringing and making memories will be a great idea than we will continue what we used to.




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