If I Could go on an Adventure Where Would it be?

Most of us loves adventures and there are lots of adventures that we can try to like going on a hiking on a mountain, going to the beach, going to other places, maybe just go with our parents or grandparents and talk with them.


If I had a chance that I could go on an adventure maybe one place that I would go is go to other countries like China, Japan, or Hongkong because going to other places just like these countries that I have mentioned is one of my ultimate dream but why?

One thing about going there is to experience the life out there and try ang go to their famous places like the great wall in China, Disneyland in Hongkong, or seeing the Shibuya in Tokyo.

Also, I won't miss eating their local food in each of the places of their country but not the exotic one because I don't like eating exotic and something like the stinky tofu, or even the Candied tomatoes, or something like the fresh sushi in Japan. I think I can eat sushi here in our place but there is something unique in Japan's sushi than here in our place.


One of my reason is I also want to meet my clients in China since I am working from home and all or most of my clients were Chinese and meeting one of them will make me happy and I love hearing their thoughts. They can also take us a tour on their place, too, so that we can make the most out of our mini adventure in their place because we knew that locals are the ones that knows the best in their place.

Going to these places is one of my ultimate dream but I don't I can go there because I didn't apply to get a passport before or maybe I am too scared on riding on a plane.

I won't also go by myself but I want to go together with my family because I think the experience will be more worth it going with my family and it is also fun.


Making memories with them is one of the greatest achievement that I can make out of it because I know for sure that we won't forget about going there and also we can talk about it after going to that places.


I love adventures and I also want to go to the places that I've never been to. There are some people that don't want to have an adventure but as for me, that's one of my happiness but lacking of budget is one of my problem on why I can't go to an adventure.

How about you? What kind of adventure that you would like to do? Do you think it will be worth it or not?




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