Moon flower


The moon flower bloomed in the pool of the sky
The cold wind of pain drowned in the moisture of grief,
I swear by the struggle,
the earth is bored,
Drinks the fragrance of breath with the color of blood,
The flower of life bloomed in the pool of death

Tightened in a red thread,
but seems to be fluttering,
Tied to a hard stalk,
but seems to be raising its head
Hidden in a green bud,
trembling in the soft rays,
The flower of love bloomed in the pool of vision.

A tune thundered,
a cloud-like cloud swirled,
Unknown pain surged in the eyes
Embroidered by the heartbeat of some, some on the sighs,
The flower of song bloomed in the pool of the sky.

Kept making goals,
the night went somewhere else,
The heart went somewhere else,
the sigh went somewhere else.
Born in the mud, but did not fall in the swamp,
The flower of knowledge bloomed in the pool of dedication

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day ☺️ 🙏. @vikbuddy

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